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Scratch the Upsetters Again

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Inačica 158113 od 24. rujan 2021. u 02:49 koju je unio WikiSysop (razgovor | doprinosi) (Bot: Automatski unos stranica)
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Scratch the Upsetter Again
The Upsetters (studijski album)
Žanr reggae
Objavljen 1970.
Izdavač Trojan Records
Producent(i) Lee Scratch Perry
Kronologija albuma – The Upsetters
Many Moods of the Upsetters
Scratch the Upsetter Again
The Good, the Bad and the Upsetters

Scratch the Upsetter Again je peti album jamajčanskog sastava The Upsetters. Izdan je u veljači 1970. pod etiketom Trojan Records, a producirao ga je Lee Scratch Perry. Žanrovski pripada reggaeu.

Popis pjesama

Strana A

  1. "Bad Tooth"
  2. "The Dentis"
  3. "Outer Space"
  4. "One Punch"
  5. "Will You Still Love Me" – Dave Barker
  6. "Take One"

Strana B

  1. "Soul Walk"
  2. "I Want To Thank You"
  3. "Mule Train" – Count Prince Miller
  4. "Touch Of Fire"
  5. "She Is Gone Again" – Alva Lewis
  6. "The Result"
