Rehab (Rihanna)

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  1. PREUSMJERI Predložak:Infookvir singl

"Rehab" je pop/R&B pjesma barbadoške pjevačice Rihanne. Objavljena je kao osmi i posljednji singl s njenog trećeg studijskog albuma, Good Girl Gone Bad, 10. prosinca 2008. godine u izdanju diskografske kuće Def Jam Recordings.<ref>Rehab je osmi singl s albuma Good Girl Gone Bad</ref><ref> "Rihanna's gone and done it again" Digital Spy</ref>

O pjesmi

Pjesmu "Rehab" napisali su Justin Timberlake, Timbaland i Hannon Lane. Sadrži Timberlakeove i Timbalandove pozadinske vokale u svom refrenu.

"Rehab" je premijerno puštena na američkom radiju 7. listopada 2008. godine.<ref name="US Radio">Rehab sent to Radio</ref> Trebala je biti objavljena u kolovozu 2008. godine u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, ali su je odgodili zbog digitalnog objavljivanja pjesme "Disturbia" i mogućeg objavljivanja pjesme "Breakin' Dishes". Čak i bez službenog izdanja počela s puštanjem na radiju krajem rujna. Puštena je na radijskoj postaji New York City's Z100 (WHTZ) krajem rujnu. Bila je peta najslušanija pjesma u Australiji u svom prvom tjednu<ref>Rehab on Australian Radio</ref>

U travnju 2009. godine Timbaland je objavio novi remiks pjesme na Internetu nazvan "Timbaland Remix".

Uspjeh na top ljestvicama

Pjesma je debitirala 18. listopada 2008. godine na 73. mjestu Billboardove ljestvice Pop 100. Kasnije se popela na 19. mjesto. Pjesma je 5 tjedana bila na ljestvici Bubbling Under R&B/Hip-Hop Singles na kojoj je dospjela na 8. mjesto u rujnu. U studenom, točnije 8. studenog pjesma je debitirala na 20. mjestu na ljestvici Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles, a idućeg tjedna popela se na 10. mjesto.<ref>Billboard Bubbling under Hot 100 singles</ref> Službeno je debitirala na ljestvici Billboard Hot 100 na 91. mjestu, a 3. siječnja 2009. godine popela se na 18. mjesto i tako postala Rihannin 7. singl koji je dospio na jedno od prvih 20 mjesta na ljestvici Billboard Hot 100 s njenog albuma Good Girl Gone Bad, te njen 14. singl koji je dospio na jedno od prvih 40 mjesta. Na ljestvici Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs debitirala je na 89. i kasnije se popela na 52. mjesto.

"Rehab" je debitirala na 24. mjestu novozelanske ljestvice RIANZ, a sljedećeg tjedna popela se na 19. mjesto. Tako je postala Rihannin sedmi hit na jednom od prvih 20 mjesta te ljestvice s albuma Good Girl Gone Bad. Kasnije se popela na 12. mjesto i dobila zatnu certifikaciju jer je nakon 20 tjedana prodano preko 7.500 primjeraka. U Australiji, "Rehab" je debitirala na 62. mjestu na ljestvici ARIA Singles Chart i samo zbog prodanih digitalnih primjeraka popela se na 26. mjesto.

Iako nije bilo potvrđenog izdanja na CD singlu, 23. studenog 2008. godine pjesma je debitirala na 51. mjesto na britanskoj ljestvici UK Singles Chart samo zbog digitalnih primjeraka. Kasnije je zauzela 16. mjesto. Iako je to Rihannin drugi singl na najnižem mjestu te ljestvice (najniži s albuma Good Girl Gone Bad), to je njen 12. singl koji je dospio na jedno od prvih 20 mjesta na njoj. 16 tjedana pjesma je provela između prvih 100 mjesta prije nego što je otišla s te ljestvice.<ref></ref>

U Kanadi pjesma je samo zbog digitalnih primjeraka debitirala na 56. mjestu ljestvice Canadian Hot 100, a kasnije se popela na 19. mjesto.

Kritički osvrt

Pjesma je primila uglavnom mješovite recenzije.

Bill Lamb je za izjavio da nije baš impresioniran pjesmom, nazvao je "na neki način razočaravajućom... 'Rehab' jednostavno previše zvuči kao drugi dio pjesme 'What Goes Around.../...Comes Around'".<ref>Review of Rehab on</ref>

Entertainment Weekly

Časopis Entertainment Weekly dao je pjesmi negativnu kritiku, izjavio da je "tužna prevelika doza melodrame srednjeg tempa".<ref>Entertainment Weekly review of Rehab</ref>

Pitchfork Media

Pitchfork Media nazvao je pjesmu "blagim ali solidnim ulaskom u brzo rastući Timberlakov katalog" iako je potvrdio da "dobro je ne nagađati kako bi moglo zvučati da Timberlake pjeva cijelu stvar, a ne samo pozadinske vokale. Njegov falseto je savršen da prenese pjesminu tugu, tužni osjećaj. Rihanna, međutim... ne baš."<ref>Review of Rehab on Pitchfork Media</ref>


Allmusic pjesmu je stavio na svoj popis izabranih pjesama.<ref>Good Girl Gone Bad Overview</ref>


Časopis Billboard dao je pjesmi pozitivnu kritiku:

"Iako je 'Rehab' uvijek bila vrhunac albuma, zvuči malo zastarjelo, 18 mjeseci nakon njenog debitiranja. Tako reći, nema sumnje da je Rihanna vatra na ljestvicama i neće biti iznimke s ovim gracioznim Timberlakovim pozadinskim vokalima i produkcijom ispunjenom napetošću, koja daje kontrast violinama i gitarama. Još jedan lijep ulaz na radio sigurno će pokazati kako voljeti."

Popis pjesama

iTunes Singl<ref>iTunes tracklisting of Rehab</ref>
  1. "Rehab" – 4:54
  2. "Rehab" (Instrumental) – 4:54
UK iTunes Singl<ref>iTunes UK tracklisting</ref>
  1. "Rehab" (uživo) – 4:46
  2. "Rehab" (videospot) – 4:45
Promotivni CD
  1. "Rehab" – 4:54
  2. "Rehab" (Radio edit) – 4:05
  3. "Rehab" (Instrumental) – 4:54


Rihanna i Justin Timberlake snimili su videospot pod redateljskom palicom Antonyja Mandlera u parku Vasquez Rocks Park izvan Los Angelesa 21. listopada 2008. godine. Mjesto gdje je snimljen videospot kasnije je koristio britanski ženski glazbeni sastav Sugababes za videospot za njihov singl "About a Girl".

Premijera videospota bila je 17. studenog 2008. godine na stranici i u njemu je korištena radijska inačica pjesme.

U videospotu su prikazane izmiješane scene Rihanne i Timberlakea zajedno u pustinji i u kamp prikolici. Postoje dnevne i noćne scene videospota, različito osvjetljenje i objektivni efekti, poput zelenih i ružičastih boja ekrana, kao i crno-bijelih scena. Nose različite kostime u različitim scenama.

Top ljestvice

Top ljestvica (2009.) Najviša
Australija<ref>ARIA Singles Chart</ref> 26
Austrija<ref name="acharts">Rehab on acharts</ref> 9
Kanada<ref name="acharts" /> 19
Danska<ref name="acharts" /> 16
Nizozemska<ref name="acharts" /> 3
Njemačka<ref>German Singles Chart</ref> 4
Irska<ref name="acharts" /> 22
Italija<ref>[ Official Italian Charts</ref> 21
Novi Zeland<ref>RIANZ Singles chart</ref> 12
Norveška<ref name="acharts" /> 4
Rumunjska<ref name="acharts" /> 4
Švedska<ref name="acharts" /> 28
Švicarska<ref>Swiss Singles Chart</ref> 13
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo<ref name="acharts" /> 16
UK R&B Chart<ref>UK R&B Chart</ref> 7
SAD (Billboard Hot 100)<ref>Rehab on Hot 100 - Rihanna Billboard. Accessed November 22, 2008.</ref> 18
SAD (Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs)<ref>Rehab on Hot R&B/Hip-Hop songs - Rihanna Billboard. Accessed November 29, 2008.</ref> 52
SAD (Pop 100)<ref>Rehab on Pop 100 - Rihanna Billboard. Accessed November 29, 2008.</ref> 19

Godišnje ljestvice

Ljestvica (2009.) Pozicija
European Hot 100<ref>{{
       #iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }}
[[ |{{
{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<2 ;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}} {{
         #iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }}
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
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{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<3 ;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}} {{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
[[ |{{
{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<4 ;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}} {{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
[[ |{{
{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<5 ;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}} {{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
[[ |{{
{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<6 ;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}} {{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
[[ |{{
{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<7 ;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}} {{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
[[ |{{
{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<8 ;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}} {{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
[[ |{{
;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}}
;|;|;}} |
    #if: {{#if:||  }}
({{safesubst:#switch:none {{#if: none }} {{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if: }}+0 }} {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if: }}+0 > 10000000000000 {{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if: {{#if: }} none
none | asis | link | lnone =none }} {{#if: none }} {{#if: 100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} = {{safesubst:#if:{{#if: }} {{safesubst:#switch:dmy lnone|l=[[{{#if: }}]] {{#if: }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:||  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:||  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:||  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:||  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:||  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
liso | lymd = F j iso | ymd = F j l = j F #default = j F
     }}|{{#if:||  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
liso | lymd l = F #default = F
     }}|{{#if:||  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:||  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:||  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
lmdy = F j, Y mdy = F j, Y liso = Y-m-d iso = Y-m-d lymd = Y F j ymd = Y F j l = j. F Y. #default = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:||  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y #default = F Y
     }}|{{#if:||  }} }}


[[ |{{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
[[ |{{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
[[ |{{
;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}}
      }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:||  }}|.}}|.}}{{
       #if: {{#if:||  }}
({{safesubst:#switch:none {{#if: none }} {{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if: }}+0 }} {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if: }}+0 > 10000000000000 {{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if: {{#if: }} none
none | asis | link | lnone =none }} {{#if: none }} {{#if: 100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} = {{safesubst:#if:{{#if: }} {{safesubst:#switch:dmy lnone|l=[[{{#if: }}]] {{#if: }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:||  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:||  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:||  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:||  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:||  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
liso | lymd = F j iso | ymd = F j l = j F #default = j F
     }}|{{#if:||  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
liso | lymd l = F #default = F
     }}|{{#if:||  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:||  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:||  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
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     }}|{{#if:||  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y #default = F Y
     }}|{{#if:||  }} }}




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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
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pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}


yes=[neaktivna poveznica]


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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
;|;|. }} napisano u mjestu


;|;|. }} {{
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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
;|;|. }}|.|U|u}}nutar
[[ |{{
;|;|;}} & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
; & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if: .}}|.}}
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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
;|;|. }} ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|. .}}


;|;|. }}
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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
;|;|. }} }}{{
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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
         #if: {{
 #if:European Hot 100 Music Chart
European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
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yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
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{{#switch: en-us|en|eng|eng.|engleski|english = (engl.) bs-ba|boš|boš.|bosnian = (boš.) de-de|german = (njem.) spanish = (šp.) french = (fr.) hrv |hrv.|hrvatski|hr-hr|croatian = hu= (mađ.) it-it|italian = (tal.) macedonian = (maked.) nl= (nizoz.) portugese = (port.) ro = (rum.) russian = (rus.) swedish = (šved.) slovenian = (slov.) serbian = (srp.) turkish = (tur.) ukrainian = (ukr.) #default = () }} }}




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European Hot 100 Music Chart {{
pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:Cite web|Cite web{{#if: true main}}}}
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;|;|. }}
(: ()
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{{#if: str. }}{{{pages}}}


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     | ()
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{{Volume}}}
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     | ({{{Edition}}} ed.)
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}


    #if: {{#if:||  }}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:||  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:||  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:||  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:||  }}+0}} | {{#if:||  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:||  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:||  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:||  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:||  }}]]
        |{{#if:||  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:||  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:||  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:||  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:||  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:||  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:||  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:||  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:||  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:||  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:||  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:||  }} }}


    | []


    #ifeq:  | {{#if:||  }}
          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}




    #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}


 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:arxiv
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[4]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:asin
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[8]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:bibcode
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[12]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

  1. if:
 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:doi
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[16]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:isbn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[20]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:issn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[24]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jfm
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
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        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[28]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jstor
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[32]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:lccn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[36]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:mr
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[40]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:oclc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[44]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ol
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[48]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:osti
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[52]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[56]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmid
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[60]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:rfc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[64]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ssrn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[68]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:zbl
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[72]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 


  1. if:

|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{Archive}}} |{{

 #if: prosinca 2009
 | {{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#ifeq: {{{dead-url}}} | no
   | {{#if:
|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica
|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica


      |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica
   | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica{{#if:
|izvorne stranice
|izvorne stranice


   }}{{#if:14 prosinca 2009| arhivirana {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|14 prosinca 2009 }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: 14 prosinca 2009+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: 14 prosinca 2009+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:14 prosinca 2009+0}} | 14 prosinca 2009
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|14 prosinca 2009 }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|14 prosinca 2009 }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:14 prosinca 2009
        |link|lnone|l=14 prosinca 2009
        |14 prosinca 2009
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|14 prosinca 2009 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 14 prosinca 2009>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|14 prosinca 2009 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|14 prosinca 2009 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|14 prosinca 2009 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|14 prosinca 2009 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|14 prosinca 2009 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 14 prosinca 2009}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 14 prosinca 2009}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|14 prosinca 2009 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|14 prosinca 2009 }}


    #if:{{#if:}}{{#if:}}{{#if:14 prosinca 2009||C}}
    |. Pogreška: If you specify |{{#if:}}={{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|{{#if: |deadurl=no}}}}, you must {{#if: also specify |{{#if:}}=| {{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|also|first}} specify |url=}}{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}


    #if: {{
 #if:European Hot 100 Music Chart
 |European Hot 100 Music Chart
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
    #if: 2010-04-17
    | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|,|, p| P}}ristupljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|2010-04-17 }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: 2010-04-17+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2010-04-17+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:2010-04-17+0}} | 2010-04-17
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-04-17 }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|2010-04-17 }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:2010-04-17
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-04-17 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2010-04-17>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-04-17 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|2010-04-17 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|2010-04-17 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|2010-04-17 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|2010-04-17 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 2010-04-17}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 2010-04-17}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|2010-04-17 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|2010-04-17 }}




 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – }}


 |  ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}

}}) }}{{#if:

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ""


        #if: {{
 #if:European Hot 100 Music Chart
 |European Hot 100 Music Chart
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    #if:  |&rft.aulast={{
      #if:  |&rft.aufirst=
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
     #if: {{#if:||  }} |&
     #if:  |&rft.series=
     #if:  |&rft.volume=%7B%7B%7BVolume%7D%7D%7D
     #if:  |&rft.issue=%7B%7B%7BIssue%7D%7D%7D
     #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
   }} |&rft.pages=%7B%7B%23if%3A+%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%7C%7Cstr.%26nbsp%3B%7D%7D%7B%7B%7Bpage%7D%7D%7D%0A++++++%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A+%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%7C%7Cstr.%26nbsp%3B%7D%7D%7B%7B%7Bpages%7D%7D%7D%0A++++++%7C%7D%7D%0A++++%7D%7D
     #if:  |&rft.edition=%7B%7B%7BEdition%7D%7D%7D
     #if:  |&
     #if: |&
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:arxiv/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:asin/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:bibcode/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:doi/
     #if:  |&rft.isbn=
     #if:  |&rft.issn=
     #if:  |&rft.jfm=
     #if:  |&rft.jstor=
     #if:  |&rft.lccn=
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:oclcnum/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:olnum/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:osti/
     #if:  |&
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:pmc/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:pmid/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:rfc/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:ssrn/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:zbl/
     #if: |&

{{#if: |}}{{#ifeq: {{#if:2010-04-17|a|b}} | {{#if:|a|c}} | }}{{#ifeq: {{#if:|f|g}} | {{#if:|f|h}} | }}</ref> | style="text-align:center;"|93 |- |Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo |align="center"| 139<ref></ref> |}

Povijest objavljivanja

Država Datum Format
SAD<ref name="US Radio"/> 7. listopada 2008. airplay
Italija<ref>iTunes reelase date in Italy</ref> 10. prosinca 2008. digitalni download
Europa<ref>Europe reelase date</ref> 9. siječnja 2009. CD singl


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