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Score (album)

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Datoteka:DT SCORE.jpg
Dream Theater (live album)
Žanr progresivni metal
Objavljen 29. kolovoza 2006.
Snimanje 1. travnja 2006. godine (Radio City Music Hall, New York, SAD)
Trajanje 2:37:08
CD 1 – 58:25
CD 2 – 1:00:48
CD 3 – 37:55
Izdavač Rhino Entertainment
Kronologija albuma – Dream Theater
Systematic Chaos
Dream Theater (video album)
Žanr progresivni metal
Objavljen 2006.
Trajanje 2:44:20 (DVD 1)
1:27:42 (DVD 2)
Izdavač Rhino Entertainment
Kronologija albuma – Dream Theater
Live at Budokan (album Dream Theatera)
Chaos in Motion 2007–2008

Scoreje uživo izdanje američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater snimljeno 1. travnja 2006. godine u dvorani Radio City Music Hall u New Yorku. Koncert je dio turneje koja je obilježavala dvadesetu obljetnicu od osnivanja sastava. Album je izdan 29. kolovoza iste godine kao trostruko audio CD izdanje i dvostruko DVD video izdanje.

Popis pjesama

CD 1

Br. SkladbaTekstopisacSkladatelj Trajanje
1. "The Root of All Evil"  Mike PortnoyDream Theater 8:22
2. "I Walk Beside You"  John PetrucciDream Theater 4:11
3. "Another Won"  PetrucciDream Theater 5:22
4. "Afterlife"  Charlie DominiciDream Theater 5:56
5. "Under a Glass Moon"  PetrucciDream Theater 7:29
6. "Innocence Faded"  PetrucciDream Theater 5:36
7. "Raise the Knife"  PortnoyDream Theater 11:43
8. "The Spirit Carries On"  PetrucciDream Theater 9:46

CD 2

Br. SkladbaTekstopisacSkladateljPrateći sastav Trajanje
1. "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence"  Petrucci, PortnoyPetrucci, John Myung, Jordan Rudess, PortnoyThe Octavarium Orchestra 41:33
2. "Vacant"  James LaBrieMyung, RudessThe Octavarium Orchestra 3:01
3. "The Answer Lies Within"  PetrucciDream TheaterThe Octavarium Orchestra 5:36
4. "Sacrificed Sons"  LaBrieDream TheaterThe Octavarium Orchestra 10:38

CD 3

Br. SkladbaTekstopisacSkladateljPrateći sastav Trajanje
1. "Octavarium"  LaBrie, Petrucci, PortnoyDream TheaterThe Octavarium Orchestra 27:16
2. "Metropolis Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper"  PetrucciDream TheaterThe Octavarium Orchestra 10:39

Video izdanje


Cijeli koncert u New Yorku:

  1. "The Root of All Evil" – 9:32
  2. "I Walk Beside You" – 4:10
  3. "Another Won" – 5:40
  4. "Afterlife" – 7:28
  5. "Under a Glass Moon" – 7:27
  6. "Innocence Faded" – 6:16
  7. "Raise the Knife" – 11:51
  8. "The Spirit Carries On" – 9:37
  9. "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence" – 41:26
  10. "Vacant" – 3:03
  11. "The Answer Lies Within" – 5:36
  12. "Sacrificed Sons" – 10:36
  13. "Octavarium" – 27:29
  14. "Metropolis" – 11:16
  15. Credits – 2:53

Dokumentarac i dodatci:


Dream Theater

The Octavarium Orchestra

  • Elena Barere (Konzertmeister)
  • Yuri Vodovos
  • Belinda Whitney
  • Avril Brown
  • Katherine Livolsi
  • Abe Appleman
  • Joyce Hammann
  • Karen Karlsrud
  • Ann Leathers
  • Ricky Sortomme
  • Jan Mullen
  • Carol Pool
  • Vincent Lionti
  • Adria Benjamin
  • Judy Witmer
  • Crystal Garner
  • Jonathan Dinklage
  • Richard Locker
  • Eugene Moye
  • David Heiss
  • Caryl Paisner
Francuski rog
  • Bob Carlisle
  • Dan Culpepper
  • Larry DiBello
Bas trombon
  • George Flynn
  • Pamela Sklar
  • Ole Mathisen
  • Jeff Kievit
  • Jim Hynes
  • Gordon Gottlieb

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