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Ten Black Years

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Inačica 395967 od 12. prosinac 2021. u 23:43 koju je unio WikiSysop (razgovor | doprinosi) (Bot: Automatska zamjena teksta (-{{Album +{{Infookvir album))
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Ten Black Years
Datoteka:Sodom - TBY.png
Sodom (kompilacija)
Žanr Thrash metal
Objavljen 2. prosinca 1996.
Trajanje 2:21:26 (CD1: 1:14:04, CD2: 1:07:22)
Izdavač Steamhammer/SPV
Kronologija albuma – Sodom
Masquerade in Blood
Ten Black Years
'Til Death Do Us Unite

Ten Black Years je konpliacijski album njemačkog thrash metal sastava Sodom objavljen 2. prosinca 1996. godine[1].

Popis pjesama


  1. "Tired and Red" - 5:27
  2. "The Saw Is the Law" - 5:51
  3. "Agent Orange" - 6:05
  4. "Wachturm/Erwachet" - 4:07 (live)
  5. "Ausgebombt" - 3:04
  6. "Sodomy and Lust" - 5:03 (live)
  7. "Remember the Fallen" - 4:46 (live)
  8. "Nuclear Winter" - 5:25
  9. "Outbreak of Evil" - 4:46
  10. "Resurrection" - 4:48
  11. "Bombenhagel" - 6:38 (live)
  12. "Masquerade in Blood" - 3:20
  13. "Bullet in the Head" - 3:02
  14. "Stalinhagel" - 6:47 (live)
  15. "Shellshock" - 2:16 (live, Tank cover)
  16. "Angel Dust" - 3:39 (Venom cover)

CD 2

  1. "Hunting Season" - 4:29
  2. "Abuse" - 1:45
  3. "1000 Days of Sodom" - 4:43 (Venom cover)
  4. "Gomorrah" - 2:18
  5. "Unwanted Youth" - 3:35
  6. "Tarred & Feathered" - 3:02
  7. "Iron Fist" - 2:58 (live, Motörhead cover)
  8. "Jabba the Hut" - 2:32
  9. "Silence Is Consent" - 2:30
  10. "Incest - 4:28 (live)
  11. "Shellfire Defense" - 4:22
  12. "Gone to Glory" - 1:59 (1994.)
  13. "Fratricide - 2:50 (1994.)
  14. "Verrecke!" - 2:49
  15. "One Step over the Line" - 2:15
  16. "My Atonement" - 6:04
  17. "Sodomized" - 2:38
  18. "Aber bitte mit Sahne" - 3:14 (Udo Jürgens cover)
  19. "Die Stumme Ursel" - 3:48
  20. "Mantelmann" - 2:10
