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Singles Collection: The London Years

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Singles Collection: The London Years
The Rolling Stones (kompilacija)
Žanr Rock
Objavljen 15. kolovoza 1989.
Snimanje svibanj 1963. - veljača 1970.
Trajanje 185:45
Izdavač ABKCO
Producent(i) Andrew Loog Oldham
Jimmy Miller
Eric Easton
The Rolling Stones
Kronologija albuma – The Rolling Stones
Singles Collection: The London Years
The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus

Singles Collection: The London Years je trostruki kompilacijski album The Rolling Stonesa iz 1989. godine. To je četvrti album koji je, nakon prekida suradnje s grupom, objavila izdavačka kuća ABKCO. Na kompilaciji se nalaze svi singlovi Stonesa od 1963. pa sve do 1971. godine.

Popis pjesama

Disk 1

  1. "Come On" – 1:48
  2. "I Want to Be Loved" – 1:52
  3. "I Wanna Be Your Man" – 1:43
  4. "Stoned" – 2:09
  5. "Not Fade Away" – 1:47
  6. "Little by Little" – 2:39
  7. "It's All Over Now" – 3:27
  8. "Good Times, Bad Times" – 2:31
  9. "Tell Me" – 2:47 / 3:48 (2002 reissue)
  10. "I Just Want to Make Love to You" – 2:17
  11. "Time Is on My Side" – 2:59
  12. "Congratulations" – 2:28
  13. "Little Red Rooster" – 3:05
  14. "Off the Hook" – 2:34
  15. "Heart of Stone" – 2:45
  16. "What a Shame" – 3:03
  17. "The Last Time" – 3:42
  18. "Play With Fire" - 2:14
  19. "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" – 3:43
  20. "The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man" – 3:08
  21. "The Spider and the Fly" – 3:38
  22. "Get Off of My Cloud" – 2:54
  23. "I'm Free" – 2:24
  24. "The Singer Not the Song" – 2:22
  25. "As Tears Go By" – 2:45

Disk 2

  1. "Gotta Get Away" – 2:07
  2. "19th Nervous Breakdown" – 3:56
  3. "Sad Day" – 3:01
  4. "Paint It, Black" – 3:44
  5. "Stupid Girl" – 2:55
  6. "Long Long While" – 3:01
  7. "Mother's Little Helper" – 2:45
  8. "Lady Jane" – 3:10
  9. "Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?" – 2:34
  10. "Who's Driving Your Plane?" – 3:14
  11. "Let's Spend the Night Together" – 3:26
  12. "Ruby Tuesday" – 3:13
  13. "We Love You" – 4:36
  14. "Dandelion" – 3:48
  15. "She's a Rainbow" – 4:11
  16. "2000 Light Years from Home" – 4:44
  17. "In Another Land" – 2:53
  18. "The Lantern" – 4:26
  19. "Jumpin' Jack Flash" – 3:38
  20. "Child of the Moon" – 3:12

Disk 3

  1. "Street Fighting Man" – 3:09
  2. "No Expectations" – 3:55
  3. "Surprise, Surprise" – 2:30
  4. "Honky Tonk Women" – 3:00
  5. "You Can't Always Get What You Want" – 4:49
  6. "Memo from Turner" – 4:06
  7. "Brown Sugar" – 3:49
  8. "Wild Horses" – 5:42
  9. "I Don't Know Why" – 3:01
  10. "Try a Little Harder" – 2:17
  11. "Out of Time" – 3:22
  12. "Jiving Sister Fanny" – 3:20
  13. "Sympathy for the Devil" – 6:17

Top ljestvice


Godina Ljestvica Pozicija
1989. The Billboard 200 #91

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