Adrift (Izgubljeni)

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Inačica 315322 od 10. studeni 2021. u 20:23 koju je unio WikiSysop (razgovor | doprinosi) (Bot: Automatska zamjena teksta (-{{Cite web +{{Citiranje weba))
Prijeđi na navigaciju Prijeđi na pretraživanje
{{#if:Datoteka:Adrift.JPG | }} {{#if:Steven Maeda
Leonard Dick | }} {{#if:Stephen Williams | }} {{#if: | }} {{#if: | }} {{#if:202 | }} {{#if:28. rujna2005. | }} {{#if:Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje kao Mr. Eko
Henry Ian Cusick kao Desmond Hume
Tamara Taylor kao Susan Lloyd
Saul Rubinek kao Finney
Jeanetta Arnette kao Lizzy |
Epizoda serije Izgubljeni
Datoteka:Adrift.JPG{{#if:Michael Dawson i James "Sawyer" Ford na uništenoj splavi vraćaju se prema otoku|
Michael Dawson i James "Sawyer" Ford na uništenoj splavi vraćaju se prema otoku}}
Epizoda br. {{#if:2|Sezona 2
}}Epizoda 2
Scenarij Steven Maeda
Leonard Dick
Režija Stephen Williams
Izabrana glazba
Produkcijski br. 202
Originalno emitirana 28. rujna 2005.
Gostujući glumci

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje kao Mr. Eko
Henry Ian Cusick kao Desmond Hume
Tamara Taylor kao Susan Lloyd
Saul Rubinek kao Finney
Jeanetta Arnette kao Lizzy

Kronologija epizoda
← Prethodna Sljedeća →
{{#if:Man of Science, Man of Faith|"Man of Science, Man of Faith"|{{#if:|{{{RPret}}}|–}}}} {{#if:Orientation|"Orientation"|{{#if:|{{{RSljed}}}|–}}}}

}} {{#if:Popis epizoda serije Izgubljeni|

Popis epizoda serije Izgubljeni


"Adrift" je druga epizoda druge sezone televizijske serije Izgubljeni i sveukupno 27. epizoda kompletne serije. Režirao ju je Stephen Williams, a napisali su je Steven Maeda i Leonard Dick. Prvi puta se emitirala 28. rujna 2005. godine na televizijskoj mreži ABC. Glavni lik radnje epizode je Michael Dawson koji se u radnji koja se odvija prije dolaska na otok bori za skrbništvo nad svojim sinom Waltom Lloydom. U radnji koja se odvija na otoku pratimo Michaela i Sawyera koji se na potpuno uništenoj splavi non-stop svađaju dok plutaju prema obali, a Kate Austen i John Locke ulaze u tajanstveno podzemno okno i susreću se s Desmondom Humeom.

Radnja epizode nastavlja se na priču koja je završila u finalu prethodne sezone, ali također se dotiče i događaja iz prethodne epizode "Man of Science, Man of Faith". Iako je u početku to trebala biti Sawyerova epizoda, scenaristi su je ponovno napisali i fokusirali je na lik Michaela. Scene na pučini snimljene su na havajskoj obali. Epizodu Adrift gledalo je 23.17 milijuna Amerikanaca što ju je označilo drugom najgledanijom epizodom kompletne serije. Epizoda je dobila negativne kritike uglavnom zbog radnje koja se odvija prije otoka, scena na splavi te općenito zbog nedostatka napretka radnje.


U radnji koja se odvija prije otoka, Michael Dawson (Harold Perrineau) svađa se sa svojom bivšom djevojkom Susan Lloyd (Tamara Taylor) koja ga traži da potpiše dokument kojim se odriče očinstva nad njihovim sinom Waltom. Premda se Michael u početku opire i tuži je kako bi zadržao skrbništvo, na kraju ga Susan nagovara da on sam započne sumnjati u vlastite motive i činjenicu želi li skrbništvo zbog vlastite pobude ili zbog Waltovih najboljih namjera.

Nakon napada na splav koja ostaje uništena, Sawyer (Josh Holloway) pluta oceanom. Michael i dalje neprekidno vrišti za Waltom, a Sawyer se dere kako bi dozvao Jina-Sooa Kwona (Daniel Dae Kim). Sawyer ipak odluči prvo spasiti Michaela te ga odvlači na ostatak splavi i daje mu umjetno disanje. Michael se budi i okrivljuje Sawyera što ga je natjerao da upotrijebi signalni pištolj koji je privukao njihove napadače. Nedugo potom njih dvojica primijete morskog psa koji pliva oko njih; Michael vjeruje da je psa navukla Sawyerova rana te se njih dvojica nastave svađati.

Na otoku, nakon što je Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly) nestala u oknu, John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) se spušta kroz njegov otvor i pronalazi je onesviještenu na podu u sobi s kompjuterom. Naoružani Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick) prilazi im s leđa i upita Lockea je li to "on". Locke u početku kaže da jest, ali neuspješno odgovara na postavljenu zagonetku. Sve to natjera Desmonda da uperi u njih pušku i naredi Kate da zaveže Lockea. Međutim, Locke uvjeri Desmonda da bi Kate trebala biti ta koja je zavezana. Desmond se složi, a dok ju veže Locke daje Kate svoj nož prije nego ju Desmond zaključa u mračnu prostoriju. Kate se oslobađa i shvati da se nalazi u prostoriji prepunoj hrane u kutijama s čudnim oznakama. Nakon toga Kate se penje kroz otvor za ventilaciju.

Ubrzo potom gledamo istu scenu kao iz prethodne epizode, "Man of Science, Man of Faith". Začuje se alarm. Desmond zajedno s Lockeom prilazi kompjuteru i natjerava ga da unese "brojeve" u kompjuter koji to i učini pa se sat resetira na novih 108 minuta. Ubrzo potom Desmond opazi Jacka Shepharda (Matthew Fox) i nakon što ovaj dođe u kompjutersku sobu, prisiljava Lockea da razgovara s Jackom (kao u prethodnoj epizodi).

Za to vrijeme Michael i Sawyer vide jedan veći dio splavi kako pluta te se odluče na nju popeti. Sawyer otpliva do tamo, a prije toga daje Michaelu pištolj u slučaju da ga napadne morski pas. Kada se to dogodi, Michael ispali nekoliko metaka i ozlijedi morskog psa. Nakon toga pridruži se Sawyeru na ostatku splavi, a kada dođe jutro on zaplače shvativši da sa sobom nije trebao povesti Walta te okrivljava sebe za otmicu sina. U tom trenutku Sawyer primijeti da su se u potpunosti približili otoku. Nakon dolaska na obalu vide Jina koji trči prema njima, ruku zavezanih iza leđa, vičući "Drugi!" te bježeći od skupine ljudi koja ga proganja.


Glumac Harold Perrineau tijekom stanke produkcije između prve i druge sezone serije otišao je na lekcije iz plivanja kako bi se što bolje pripremio za ovu epizodu.

Finale prve sezone završava s dva uzbudljiva trenutka - jedan je otvaranje okna, a drugi napad Drugih na Michaelovu splav. Kada je započela produkcija druge sezone serije, scenaristi su odlučili da će se premijera sezone ("Man of Science, Man of Faith") fokusirati isključivo na okno, a da će cijelu radnju sa splavi ostaviti za drugu epizodu. Kako bi izbjegli napuhanost prvog nastavka, poput razvoja radnje u oknu (Lockeov prepad), neke stvari su ostavljene za otkrivanje i u epizodi Adrift.<ref>{{

 #if:Jack Bender, Damon Lindelof, Bryan Burk, Carlton Cuse | Jack Bender, Damon Lindelof, Bryan Burk, Carlton Cuse.

}}{{#if:| ({{#if:2006|, 2006}}).}}{{

 | ([[{{{date2}}}]]).
     | ({{{month2}}} {{{year2}}}).
     | ({{{year2}}}).


   | [{{{url}}} Audio commentary for "Man of Science, Man of Faith"]{{#if:| ()}}{{#if:DVD| [DVD]}}.
   | Audio commentary for "Man of Science, Man of Faith"{{#if:| ()}}{{#if:DVD| [DVD]}}.


 #if:Buena Vista Home Entertainment |  {{#if:Lost: The Complete Second Season Disk 1|Lost: The Complete Second Season Disk 1: }}Buena Vista Home Entertainment.


   | Preuzeto [[]].
     | Preuzeto {{#if:
       |during  .
       |during .


 #if: |  Zbiva se u .


 #if: |  {{{id}}}.


 #if: |  ISBN {{{isbn}}}.


 #if: |  OCLC {{{oclc}}}.


 #if: |  "{{{quote}}}"

}}</ref> U početku je zamišljeno da će glavni lik radnje epizode Adrift biti Sawyer i da će gostujuća glumica biti Jolene Blalock,<ref>{{

 #if:Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane
       #iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }}
       |[[ |Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane{{
       |Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane{{
      | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
         #iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }}
           |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
         |[[ |{{
           | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
              |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
              |[[ |{{
                | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
                   |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                   |[[ |{{
                   | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
                    |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                    |[[ |{{
                    | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
                       |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                       |[[ |{{
                          | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
                          |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                          |[[ |{{
                                          | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
                                             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                                             |[[ |{{
                                             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
    |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |
    #if: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
    | ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0}} | {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}]]
        |{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}


    | []
       |[[ |{{
         |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
          |[[ |{{
             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             |[[ |{{
             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
      }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}{{
       #if: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
       | ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0}} | {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}]]
        |{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}


      | []


 #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    #if:Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
         }} {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
               #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
               #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}


   |dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]


    #ifeq:  | 
       #if: Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane{{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} napisano u mjestu 


    #if: Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
       #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|U|u}}nutar 
       |[[ |{{
           |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}|.}}|.}}
       #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.||.}}


    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
    #if: Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane{{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} }}{{
    #if: Variety
         #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         }} "Variety{{
            #if: Variety
            #if: Variety


   |dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{{TitleNote}}}


 |{{#if:  |{{#switch: 
| en-gb|en-us|en|eng|eng.|engleski|english =  (engl.) 
| bs|bs-ba|boš|boš.|bosnian =  (boš.) 
| de|de-de|german =  (njem.) 
| es|spanish =  (šp.)
| fr|french =  (fr.)
| hr|hrv |hrv.|hrvatski|hr-hr|croatian = 
| hu=  (mađ.)
| it|it-it|italian =  (tal.)
| mk|macedonian =  (maked.)
| nl=  (nizoz.)
|pt|portugese =  (port.)
| ro =  (rum.)
| ru|russian =  (rus.)
| sv|swedish =  (šved.)
| sl|slovenian =  (slov.)
| sr|serbian =  (srp.)
| tur|turkish =  (tur.)
| uk|ukrainian =  (ukr.)
| #default =  () }} }}


 | ()


 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
        | (: )
        | ()
        | ()
     | {{#if:|{{{Volume}}}|{{{Volume}}}}}{{
        | ({{{Issue}}})
        | ({{{Issue}}})
     #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
     |:  {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
     #if: Variety
        #if: Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane{{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}
      }} {{#if:{{
         #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         }} Variety{{
           #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}]
           #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}]


     | ()
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{{Volume}}}
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     | ({{{Edition}}} ed.)
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}


 #if: Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane
    #if: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}+0}} | {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}]]
        |{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} }}


    | []


    #ifeq:  | {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }}
          #if: Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane
          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}




    #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}


 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:arxiv
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[4]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:asin
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[8]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:bibcode
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[12]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

  1. if:
 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:doi
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[16]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:isbn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[20]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:issn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[24]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jfm
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[28]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jstor
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[32]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:lccn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[36]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:mr
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[40]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:oclc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[44]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ol
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[48]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:osti
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[52]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[56]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmid
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[60]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:rfc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[64]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ssrn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[68]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:zbl
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[72]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 


  1. if:

|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{Archive}}} |{{

 #if: prosinca 2010.
 | {{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#ifeq: no | no
   | {{#if:
|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica
|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica


      |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica
   | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica{{#if:
|izvorne stranice
|izvorne stranice


   }}{{#if:24. prosinca 2010.| arhivirana {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|24. prosinca 2010. }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: 24. prosinca 2010.+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: 24. prosinca 2010.+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:24. prosinca 2010.+0}} | 24. prosinca 2010.
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|24. prosinca 2010. }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|24. prosinca 2010. }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:24. prosinca 2010.
        |link|lnone|l=24. prosinca 2010.
        |24. prosinca 2010.
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|24. prosinca 2010. 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 24. prosinca 2010.>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|24. prosinca 2010. 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|24. prosinca 2010. 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|24. prosinca 2010. }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|24. prosinca 2010. 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|24. prosinca 2010. 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 24. prosinca 2010.}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 24. prosinca 2010.}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|24. prosinca 2010. }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|24. prosinca 2010. }}


    #if:{{#if:}}{{#if:}}{{#if:24. prosinca 2010.||C}}
    |. Pogreška: If you specify |{{#if:}}={{#ifeq:no|no|{{#if: |deadurl=no}}}}, you must {{#if: also specify |{{#if:}}=| {{#ifeq:no|no|also|first}} specify |url=}}{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}


    #if: Variety{{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
    #if: 2010-12-23
    | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|,|, p| P}}ristupljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|2010-12-23 }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: 2010-12-23+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2010-12-23+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:2010-12-23+0}} | 2010-12-23
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-23 }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|2010-12-23 }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:2010-12-23
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-23 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2010-12-23>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-23 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|2010-12-23 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|2010-12-23 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|2010-12-23 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|2010-12-23 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 2010-12-23}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 2010-12-23}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|2010-12-23 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|2010-12-23 }}




 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – }}


 |  ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}

}}) }}{{#if:

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ""


        #if: {{
 #if:‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
 |‘Lost’: ‘Our greatest wish is that fans feel it was all worth it’
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    #if: Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane |&rft.aulast=Kathy+Lyford+and+Brian+Cochrane{{
      #if:  |&rft.aufirst=
    #if: Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
     #if: {{#if:April 21, 2009|April 21, 2009|  }} |&
     #if:  |&rft.series=
     #if:  |&rft.volume=%7B%7B%7BVolume%7D%7D%7D
     #if:  |&rft.issue=%7B%7B%7BIssue%7D%7D%7D
     #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
   }} |&rft.pages=%7B%7B%23if%3A+%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%7C%7Cstr.%26nbsp%3B%7D%7D%7B%7B%7Bpage%7D%7D%7D%0A++++++%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A+%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%7C%7Cstr.%26nbsp%3B%7D%7D%7B%7B%7Bpages%7D%7D%7D%0A++++++%7C%7D%7D%0A++++%7D%7D
     #if:  |&rft.edition=%7B%7B%7BEdition%7D%7D%7D
     #if:  |&
     #if:  |&
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:arxiv/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:asin/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:bibcode/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:doi/
     #if:  |&rft.isbn=
     #if:  |&rft.issn=
     #if:  |&rft.jfm=
     #if:  |&rft.jstor=
     #if:  |&rft.lccn=
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:oclcnum/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:olnum/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:osti/
     #if:  |&
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:pmc/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:pmid/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:rfc/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:ssrn/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:zbl/
     #if: |&

{{#if: |}}{{#ifeq: {{#if:2010-12-23|a|b}} | {{#if:|a|c}} | }}{{#ifeq: {{#if:Kathy Lyford and Brian Cochrane|f|g}} | {{#if:|f|h}} | }}</ref> ali u posljednji trenutak je napravljena izmjena i glavni lik epizode je postao Michael.<ref>Jensen, Jeff, (February 5, 2008) "'Lost': Season 2 Episode Guide", Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved on January 19, 2009.</ref>

Redatelj epizode Stephen Williams opisao je snimanje scena na moru izrazito izazovnim budući su valovi uzrokovali nesinkronizirano kretanje kamera, osvjetljenja, kompletne scene i glumaca. Williams je, međutim, smatrao da će zbog lokacije sve scene djelovati realistično. Scene u vodi snimane su puna tri dana, a glumac Harold Perrineau dobivao je lekcije o plivanju tijekom priprema za snimanje.<ref name=onlocation>"Lost on Location: 'Adrift' ". Lost: The Complete Second Season – The Extended Experience, Buena Vista Home Entertainment. Featurette, disc 7. Released on September 5, 2006.</ref> U scenu u kojoj se Sawyer priprema za plivanje do drugog dijela splavi može se vidjeti morski pas s podvodnim znakom Dharma Inicijative na svojoj peraji. Prvotno je to trebala biti interna šala za koju se ispostavilo da je postala vidljivija nego što su kreatori planirali.<ref name=onlocation/> Za potrebe scena napravljen je poseban mehanički morski pas od lutaka, ali u sceni u kojoj pas napada Michaela jedan od članova snimateljske ekipe nalazio se pod vodom i držao peraju.<ref name=usatoday>{{

       #iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }}
       |[[ |Keck{{
         #if: William
         |, William
          #if: William
          |, William
      | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
         #iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }}
           |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
         |[[ |{{
           | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
              |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
              |[[ |{{
                | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
                   |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                   |[[ |{{
                   | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
                    |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                    |[[ |{{
                    | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
                       |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                       |[[ |{{
                          | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
                          |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                          |[[ |{{
                                          | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
                                             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                                             |[[ |{{
                                             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
    |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |
    #if: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
    | ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0}} | {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}]]
        |{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}


    | []
       |[[ |{{
         |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
          |[[ |{{
             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             |[[ |{{
             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
      }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}{{
       #if: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
       | ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0}} | {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}]]
        |{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}


      | []


 #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
         }} {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
               #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
               #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}


   |dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]


    #ifeq:  | 
       #if: Keck{{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} napisano u mjestu 


    #if: Keck
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
       #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|U|u}}nutar 
       |[[ |{{
           |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}|.}}|.}}
       #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.||.}}


    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
    #if: Keck{{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} }}{{
    #if: USA Today
         #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         }} "USA Today{{
            #if: USA Today
|"USA Today{{
            #if: USA Today


   |dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{{TitleNote}}}


 |{{#if:  |{{#switch: 
| en-gb|en-us|en|eng|eng.|engleski|english =  (engl.) 
| bs|bs-ba|boš|boš.|bosnian =  (boš.) 
| de|de-de|german =  (njem.) 
| es|spanish =  (šp.)
| fr|french =  (fr.)
| hr|hrv |hrv.|hrvatski|hr-hr|croatian = 
| hu=  (mađ.)
| it|it-it|italian =  (tal.)
| mk|macedonian =  (maked.)
| nl=  (nizoz.)
|pt|portugese =  (port.)
| ro =  (rum.)
| ru|russian =  (rus.)
| sv|swedish =  (šved.)
| sl|slovenian =  (slov.)
| sr|serbian =  (srp.)
| tur|turkish =  (tur.)
| uk|ukrainian =  (ukr.)
| #default =  () }} }}


 | ()


 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 }}USA Today
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
        | (: )
        | ()
        | ()
     | {{#if:|{{{Volume}}}|{{{Volume}}}}}{{
        | ({{{Issue}}})
        | ({{{Issue}}})
     #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
     |:  {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
     #if: USA Today
        #if: Keck{{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}
      }} {{#if:{{
         #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         }} USA Today{{
           #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}]
|USA Today{{
           #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}]


     | ()
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{{Volume}}}
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     | ({{{Edition}}} ed.)
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}


 #if: Keck
    #if: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}+0}} | {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}]]
        |{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} }}


    | []


    #ifeq:  | {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }}
          #if: Keck
          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}




    #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}


 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:arxiv
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[76]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:asin
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[80]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:bibcode
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[84]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

  1. if:
 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:doi
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[88]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:isbn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[92]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:issn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[96]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jfm
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[100]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jstor
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[104]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:lccn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[108]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:mr
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[112]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:oclc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[116]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ol
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[120]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:osti
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[124]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[128]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmid
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[132]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:rfc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[136]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ssrn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[140]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:zbl
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[144]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 


  1. if:

|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{Archive}}} |{{

 | {{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#ifeq: {{{dead-url}}} | no
   | {{#if:
|[ {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica]
|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica


      |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica
   | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica{{#if:
      |{{#if:| {{#if:
|izvorne stranice
|izvorne stranice


   }}{{#if:| arhivirana {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


    |. Pogreška: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}={{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|{{#if: |deadurl=no}}}}, you must {{#if: also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=| {{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|also|first}} specify |url=}}{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}


    #if: USA Today{{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
    #if: 2010-12-23
    | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|,|, p| P}}ristupljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|2010-12-23 }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: 2010-12-23+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2010-12-23+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:2010-12-23+0}} | 2010-12-23
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-23 }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|2010-12-23 }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:2010-12-23
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-23 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2010-12-23>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-23 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|2010-12-23 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|2010-12-23 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|2010-12-23 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|2010-12-23 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 2010-12-23}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 2010-12-23}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|2010-12-23 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|2010-12-23 }}




 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – }}


 |  ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}

}}) }}{{#if:

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ""


        #if: {{
 #if:'Lost' in the face of death
 |'Lost' in the face of death
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    #if: Keck |&rft.aulast=Keck{{
      #if: William |&rft.aufirst=William
    #if: Keck |&{{
      #if: William |%2C%26%2332%3BWilliam
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
     #if: {{#if:2005-09-13|2005-09-13|  }} |&
     #if:  |&rft.series=
     #if:  |&rft.volume=%7B%7B%7BVolume%7D%7D%7D
     #if:  |&rft.issue=%7B%7B%7BIssue%7D%7D%7D
     #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
   }} |&rft.pages=%7B%7B%23if%3A+%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%7C%7Cstr.%26nbsp%3B%7D%7D%7B%7B%7Bpage%7D%7D%7D%0A++++++%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A+%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%7C%7Cstr.%26nbsp%3B%7D%7D%7B%7B%7Bpages%7D%7D%7D%0A++++++%7C%7D%7D%0A++++%7D%7D
     #if:  |&rft.edition=%7B%7B%7BEdition%7D%7D%7D
     #if:  |&
     #if:  |&
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:arxiv/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:asin/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:bibcode/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:doi/
     #if:  |&rft.isbn=
     #if:  |&rft.issn=
     #if:  |&rft.jfm=
     #if:  |&rft.jstor=
     #if:  |&rft.lccn=
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:oclcnum/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:olnum/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:osti/
     #if:  |&
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:pmc/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:pmid/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:rfc/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:ssrn/
     #if:  |&rft_id=info:zbl/
     #if: |&

{{#if: |}}{{#ifeq: {{#if:2010-12-23|a|b}} | {{#if:|a|c}} | }}{{#ifeq: {{#if:|f|g}} | {{#if:Keck|f|h}} | }}</ref>


Epizodu Adrift gledalo je 23.17 milijuna Amerikanaca što ju je označilo drugom najgledanijom epizodom kompletne serije, odmah iza prethodne epizode.<ref>{{

       #iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }}
       |[[ |{{
      | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
         #iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }}
           |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
         |[[ |{{
           | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
              |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
              |[[ |{{
                | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
                   |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                   |[[ |{{
                   | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
                    |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                    |[[ |{{
                    | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
                       |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                       |[[ |{{
                          | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
                          |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                          |[[ |{{
                                          | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
                                             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                                             |[[ |{{
                                             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
    |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |
    #if: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
    | ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0}} | {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}]]
        |{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}


    | []
       |[[ |{{
         |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
          |[[ |{{
             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             |[[ |{{
             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
      }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}{{
       #if: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
       | ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0}} | {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}]]
        |{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}


      | []


 #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
         }} {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
               #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
               #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}


   |dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]


    #ifeq:  | 
       #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} napisano u mjestu 


    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
       #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|U|u}}nutar 
       |[[ |{{
           |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}|.}}|.}}
       #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.||.}}


    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
    #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} }}{{
         #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         }} "{{


   |dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{{TitleNote}}}


 |{{#if:  |{{#switch: 
| en-gb|en-us|en|eng|eng.|engleski|english =  (engl.) 
| bs|bs-ba|boš|boš.|bosnian =  (boš.) 
| de|de-de|german =  (njem.) 
| es|spanish =  (šp.)
| fr|french =  (fr.)
| hr|hrv |hrv.|hrvatski|hr-hr|croatian = 
| hu=  (mađ.)
| it|it-it|italian =  (tal.)
| mk|macedonian =  (maked.)
| nl=  (nizoz.)
|pt|portugese =  (port.)
| ro =  (rum.)
| ru|russian =  (rus.)
| sv|swedish =  (šved.)
| sl|slovenian =  (slov.)
| sr|serbian =  (srp.)
| tur|turkish =  (tur.)
| uk|ukrainian =  (ukr.)
| #default =  () }} }}


 | ()


 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
        #if: ABC Medianet
        | (: ABC Medianet)
        | ()
        #if: ABC Medianet
        | (ABC Medianet)
     | {{#if:|{{{Volume}}}|{{{Volume}}}}}{{
        | ({{{Issue}}})
        | ({{{Issue}}})
     #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
     |:  {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
        #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}
      }} {{#if:{{
         #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
         }} {{
           #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}]
           #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}]


     | ()
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{{Volume}}}
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     | ({{{Edition}}} ed.)
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     #if: ABC Medianet
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}
      }} ABC Medianet


    #if: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}+0}} | {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}]]
        |{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} }}


    | []


    #ifeq:  | {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }}
          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}




    #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
     |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}


 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:arxiv
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[148]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:asin
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[152]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:bibcode
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[156]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

  1. if:
 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:doi
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[160]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:isbn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[164]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:issn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[168]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jfm
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[172]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jstor
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[176]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:lccn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[180]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:mr
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[184]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:oclc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
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               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[188]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ol
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[192]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:osti
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[196]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[200]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmid
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[204]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:rfc
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[208]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ssrn
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[212]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:zbl
|asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[216]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 


  1. if:

|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{Archive}}} |{{

 | {{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#ifeq: {{{dead-url}}} | no
   | {{#if:
|[ {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica]
|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica


      |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica
   | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica{{#if:
      |{{#if:| {{#if:
|izvorne stranice
|izvorne stranice


   }}{{#if:| arhivirana {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


    |. Pogreška: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}={{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|{{#if: |deadurl=no}}}}, you must {{#if: also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=| {{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|also|first}} specify |url=}}{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}


    #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
    #if: 2008-07-29
    | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|,|, p| P}}ristupljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|2008-07-29 }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: 2008-07-29+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2008-07-29+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:2008-07-29+0}} | 2008-07-29
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|2008-07-29 }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|2008-07-29 }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:2008-07-29
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|2008-07-29 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2008-07-29>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|2008-07-29 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|2008-07-29 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|2008-07-29 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|2008-07-29 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|2008-07-29 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 2008-07-29}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 2008-07-29}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|2008-07-29 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|2008-07-29 }}




 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – }}


 |  ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}

}}) }}{{#if:

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ""


        #if: {{
 #if:Weekly Program Rankings
 |Weekly Program Rankings
   |Pogreška: no |title= specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
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    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
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      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
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      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
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      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
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      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
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      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
    #if:  |&{{
      #if:  |%2C%26%2332%3B
     #if: {{#if:October 4, 2005|October 4, 2005|  }} |&
     #if:  |&rft.series=
     #if:  |&rft.volume=%7B%7B%7BVolume%7D%7D%7D
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{{#if: |}}{{#ifeq: {{#if:2008-07-29|a|b}} | {{#if:|a|c}} | }}{{#ifeq: {{#if:|f|g}} | {{#if:|f|h}} | }}</ref><ref name=ranking/>

Kritike za epizodu bile su uglavnom negativne. Mac Slocum s internetske stranice proglasio je kompletan flashback "potpuno nezanimljivim".<ref>Slocum, Mac, (September 29, 2005) "Key Points from "Adrift": Lost Blog", Retrieved on January 15, 2009.</ref> Jeff Jensen iz časopisa Entertainment Weekly smatrao je da "je radnja koja se odvija prije otoka jedna od najsiromašnijih i najtraljavijih koje smo do sada vidjeli" te je nadodao da publika nije doznala ništa novo, a također mu se nije sviđala Michaelova priča na samom otoku naglasivši da "niti redatelj niti glumci nisu imali jasnu viziju o tome kako bi sve te scene trebale izgledati". Jensen je, međutim, hvalio scene u oknu smatrajući glumu Terryja O'Quinna i njegovu interakciju s Henryjem Ianom Cusickom kao onu "koja je spasila osrednju epizodu sezone".<ref name="EWAdrift">Jensen, Jeff, (September 29, 2005) ""Lost": Michael treads water; Locke goes deeper", Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved on January 9, 2009.</ref> Ryan Mcgee iz Zap2it smatrao je da je otkrivanje događaja iz okna iz različitih perspektiva "osvježenje naracije", ali žalio se na nedostatak razvoja same radnje te naglasio da su scene na splavi "tri puta duže nego što bi trebale biti uz vidljivo lažan napad morskog psa".<ref>Predložak:Cite web</ref> Chris Carabott s internetske stranice IGN dao je ocjenu epizodi 8.2/10, hvaleći glumu Harolda Perrineaua i radnju koja se odvija prije otoka,<ref>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref> ali je u konačnici ta stranica postavila epizodu Adrift na 80. mjesto najboljih epizoda serije Izgubljeni (od sveukupno 115) uz komični komentar da je morski pas trebao pojesti Michaela kako bi "poštedio publiku puno Waltoooozarenja".<ref name=ranking>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref> Na sličnoj listi koju su proveli novinari Los Angeles Timesa, epizoda Adrift postavljena je na četvrto mjesto najgorih epizoda serije, opisujući ju kao "dosadnom".<ref>Predložak:Cite web</ref> New York Magazine proglasio je epizodu Adrift kao "jednom od dvadeset najbesmislenijih epizoda serije" žaleći se da je epizoda "usporila kompletnu radnju" te da bi bila puno bolja da su Michael i Sawyer ranije stigli do obale.<ref>Predložak:Cite web</ref>



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