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Imunostimulacija: razlika između inačica

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Postoje dvije glavne kategorije imunostimulanata:
Postoje dvije glavne kategorije imunostimulanata:
*'''Specifični imunostimulanti''' su oni koji pružaju [[antigen]]sku specifičnost imunog odgovora, kao što su [[Cijepljenje|cjepiva]] <ref name="Vaccination">{{cite journal |author=Mattner F, Fleitmann JF, Lingnau K, Schmidt W, Egyed A, Fritz J, Zauner W, Wittmann B, Gorny I, Berger M, Kirlappos H, Otava A, Birnstiel ML, Buschle M |title=Vaccination with Poly-L-Arginine As Immunostimulant for Peptide Vaccines: Induction of Potent and Long-Lasting T-Cell Responses against Cancer Antigens |journal=Cancer Research |volume=62 |issue= |pages=1477-1480 |year=2002 |pmid= |doi= |url= }}</ref>, i [[antigen]]i<ref name="complex/IgG1">{{cite journal |author=Cullen CM, Jameson SC, DeLay M, Cottrell C, Becken ET, Choi E, Hirsch R |title=A divalent major histocompatibility complex/IgG1 fusion protein induces antigen-specific T cell activation in vitro and in vivo |journal=Cell Immunol |volume=192 |issue=1 |pages=54-62 |year=1999 |pmid=10066347 |doi= |url= }}</ref>.
*'''Specifični imunostimulanti''' su oni koji pružaju [[antigen]]sku specifičnost imunog odgovora, kao što su [[Cijepljenje|cjepiva]] <ref name="Vaccination">{{cite journal |author=Mattner F, Fleitmann JF, Lingnau K, Schmidt W, Egyed A, Fritz J, Zauner W, Wittmann B, Gorny I, Berger M, Kirlappos H, Otava A, Birnstiel ML, Buschle M |title=Vaccination with Poly-L-Arginine As Immunostimulant for Peptide Vaccines: Induction of Potent and Long-Lasting T-Cell Responses against Cancer Antigens |journal=Cancer Research |volume=62 |issue= |pages=1477-1480 |year=2002 |pmid= |doi= |url= }}</ref>, i [[antigen]]i<ref name="complex/IgG1">{{cite journal |author=Cullen CM, Jameson SC, DeLay M, Cottrell C, Becken ET, Choi E, Hirsch R |title=A divalent major histocompatibility complex/IgG1 fusion protein induces antigen-specific T cell activation in vitro and in vivo |journal=Cell Immunol |volume=192 |issue=1 |pages=54-62 |year=1999 |pmid=10066347 |doi= |url= }}</ref>.
*'''Nespecifični imunostimulanti''' su oni koji djeluju neovisno od [[antigen]]e specifičnosti kako bi povećali imuni odgovor drugih antigena, ili oni koji stimuliraju komponente imunog sustava bez antigenske specifičnosti. Brojne endogene (unutrašnje) supstance su nespecifični imunostimulatori. Primjerice za [[ženski spolni hormoni|ženske spolne hormone]] je poznato da stimuliraju i adaptivni<ref>{{cite book | last = Wira | first = CR | coauthors = Crane-Godreau M, Grant K |year=2004 | chapter = Endocrine regulation of the mucosal immune system in the female reproductive tract |title=Mucosal Immunology | editor = In: Ogra PL, Mestecky J, Lamm ME, Strober W, McGhee JR, Bienenstock J (eds.) | publisher = Elsevier | location = San Francisco | isbn = 0124915434}}</ref> i urođeni [[imuni odgovor]].<ref>{{cite journal| last = Lang | first = TJ |year=2004 |title=Estrogen as an immunomodulator |journal=Clin Immunol |volume=113 |pages=224–230 |pmid=15507385 |doi=10.1016/j.clim.2004.05.011}}<br />{{cite journal | last = Moriyama | first = A | coauthors = Shimoya K, Ogata I ''et al.'' |year=1999 |title=Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) concentrations in cervical mucus of women with normal menstrual cycle |journal=Molecular Human Reproduction |volume=5 |pages=656–661 |pmid=10381821 |url= |doi=10.1093/molehr/5.7.656}}<br />{{cite journal | last = Cutolo |first= M |coauthors= Sulli A, Capellino S, Villaggio B, Montagna P, Seriolo B, Straub RH|year=2004 |title=Sex hormones influence on the immune system: basic and clinical aspects in autoimmunity |journal=Lupus |volume=13 |pages=635–638 |pmid=15485092 |doi=10.1191/0961203304lu1094oa}}<br />{{cite journal | last = King | first = AE | coauthors = Critchley HOD, Kelly RW |year=2000 |title=Presence of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor in human endometrium and first trimester decidua suggests an antibacterial role |journal=Molecular Human Reproduction |volume=6 |pages=191–196 |pmid=10655462 |url= |doi=10.1093/molehr/6.2.191}}</ref> Neke autoimune bolesti kao što je [[lupus|sistemski eritemski lupus]] preferencijalno ugrožavaju žene, i njihov početak se poklapa sa [[pubertet]]om. Poznato je da i drugi hormoni reguliraju imuni sustav, primjerice [[prolaktin]], [[hormon rasta]] i [[Vitamin D|vitamin D]].<ref>{{cite journal |last=Dorshkind |first=K |coauthors=Horseman ND |year=2000 |title=The Roles of Prolactin, Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, and Thyroid Hormones in Lymphocyte Development and Function: Insights from Genetic Models of Hormones and Hormone Receptor Deficiency |url= |journal=Endocrine Reviews |volume=21 |pages=292–312 |pmid=10857555 |doi=10.1210/er.21.3.292 |accessdate=21. siječnja 2011. |archiveurl= |archivedate=31. srpnja 2010. }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|last=Nagpal|first=Sunil|coauthors=Songqing Naand and Radhakrishnan Rathnachalam|year=2005|title=Noncalcemic Actions of Vitamin D Receptor Ligands|url=|journal=Endocrine Reviews|volume=26|issue=5|pages=662–687|pmid=15798098|doi=10.1210/er.2004-0002|accessdate=21. siječnja 2011.|archiveurl=|archivedate=19. veljače 2009.}}.</ref>
*'''Nespecifični imunostimulanti''' su oni koji djeluju neovisno od [[antigen]]e specifičnosti kako bi povećali imuni odgovor drugih antigena, ili oni koji stimuliraju komponente imunog sustava bez antigenske specifičnosti. Brojne endogene (unutrašnje) supstance su nespecifični imunostimulatori. Primjerice za [[ženski spolni hormoni|ženske spolne hormone]] je poznato da stimuliraju i adaptivni<ref>{{Citiranje knjige | last = Wira | first = CR | coauthors = Crane-Godreau M, Grant K |year=2004 | chapter = Endocrine regulation of the mucosal immune system in the female reproductive tract |title=Mucosal Immunology | editor = In: Ogra PL, Mestecky J, Lamm ME, Strober W, McGhee JR, Bienenstock J (eds.) | publisher = Elsevier | location = San Francisco | isbn = 0124915434}}</ref> i urođeni [[imuni odgovor]].<ref>{{cite journal| last = Lang | first = TJ |year=2004 |title=Estrogen as an immunomodulator |journal=Clin Immunol |volume=113 |pages=224–230 |pmid=15507385 |doi=10.1016/j.clim.2004.05.011}}<br />{{cite journal | last = Moriyama | first = A | coauthors = Shimoya K, Ogata I ''et al.'' |year=1999 |title=Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) concentrations in cervical mucus of women with normal menstrual cycle |journal=Molecular Human Reproduction |volume=5 |pages=656–661 |pmid=10381821 |url= |doi=10.1093/molehr/5.7.656}}<br />{{cite journal | last = Cutolo |first= M |coauthors= Sulli A, Capellino S, Villaggio B, Montagna P, Seriolo B, Straub RH|year=2004 |title=Sex hormones influence on the immune system: basic and clinical aspects in autoimmunity |journal=Lupus |volume=13 |pages=635–638 |pmid=15485092 |doi=10.1191/0961203304lu1094oa}}<br />{{cite journal | last = King | first = AE | coauthors = Critchley HOD, Kelly RW |year=2000 |title=Presence of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor in human endometrium and first trimester decidua suggests an antibacterial role |journal=Molecular Human Reproduction |volume=6 |pages=191–196 |pmid=10655462 |url= |doi=10.1093/molehr/6.2.191}}</ref> Neke autoimune bolesti kao što je [[lupus|sistemski eritemski lupus]] preferencijalno ugrožavaju žene, i njihov početak se poklapa sa [[pubertet]]om. Poznato je da i drugi hormoni reguliraju imuni sustav, primjerice [[prolaktin]], [[hormon rasta]] i [[Vitamin D|vitamin D]].<ref>{{cite journal |last=Dorshkind |first=K |coauthors=Horseman ND |year=2000 |title=The Roles of Prolactin, Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, and Thyroid Hormones in Lymphocyte Development and Function: Insights from Genetic Models of Hormones and Hormone Receptor Deficiency |url= |journal=Endocrine Reviews |volume=21 |pages=292–312 |pmid=10857555 |doi=10.1210/er.21.3.292 |accessdate=21. siječnja 2011. |archiveurl= |archivedate=31. srpnja 2010. }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|last=Nagpal|first=Sunil|coauthors=Songqing Naand and Radhakrishnan Rathnachalam|year=2005|title=Noncalcemic Actions of Vitamin D Receptor Ligands|url=|journal=Endocrine Reviews|volume=26|issue=5|pages=662–687|pmid=15798098|doi=10.1210/er.2004-0002|accessdate=21. siječnja 2011.|archiveurl=|archivedate=19. veljače 2009.}}.</ref>

=== Deoksiholna kiselina ===
=== Deoksiholna kiselina ===

Inačica od 17. studeni 2021. u 03:17

Imunostimulanti ili imunostimulatori, su tvari koje stimuliraju imunološki sustav poticajem (stimulacijom) ili povećanjem aktivnosti bilo koje komponente imunološkog sustava. Jedan od značajnih primjera je GM-CSF (faktor kolonija granulocit makrofaga).


Postoje dvije glavne kategorije imunostimulanata:

  • Specifični imunostimulanti su oni koji pružaju antigensku specifičnost imunog odgovora, kao što su cjepiva [1], i antigeni[2].
  • Nespecifični imunostimulanti su oni koji djeluju neovisno od antigene specifičnosti kako bi povećali imuni odgovor drugih antigena, ili oni koji stimuliraju komponente imunog sustava bez antigenske specifičnosti. Brojne endogene (unutrašnje) supstance su nespecifični imunostimulatori. Primjerice za ženske spolne hormone je poznato da stimuliraju i adaptivni[3] i urođeni imuni odgovor.[4] Neke autoimune bolesti kao što je sistemski eritemski lupus preferencijalno ugrožavaju žene, i njihov početak se poklapa sa pubertetom. Poznato je da i drugi hormoni reguliraju imuni sustav, primjerice prolaktin, hormon rasta i vitamin D.[5][6]

Deoksiholna kiselina

Neke publikacije upućuju na imunostimulantni djelovanje deoksiholne kiseline (DCA).[7][8][9] DCA djeluje na nespecifični imuni sustav, aktivirajući njegov glavni stanični tip, makrofage. Prema ovim publikacijama, dovoljna količina deoksiholne kiseline u ljudskom tijelu bi bila poput snažne imune reakcije nespecifičnog imunog sustava.

Endogeni imunostimulanti

Sintetički imunostimulanti

Biljni imunostimulanti

Vanjske poveznice


  1. Mattner F, Fleitmann JF, Lingnau K, Schmidt W, Egyed A, Fritz J, Zauner W, Wittmann B, Gorny I, Berger M, Kirlappos H, Otava A, Birnstiel ML, Buschle M (2002). "Vaccination with Poly-L-Arginine As Immunostimulant for Peptide Vaccines: Induction of Potent and Long-Lasting T-Cell Responses against Cancer Antigens". Cancer Research 62: 1477-1480. 
  2. Cullen CM, Jameson SC, DeLay M, Cottrell C, Becken ET, Choi E, Hirsch R (1999). "A divalent major histocompatibility complex/IgG1 fusion protein induces antigen-specific T cell activation in vitro and in vivo". Cell Immunol 192 (1): 54-62. PMID 10066347. 
  3. Wira, CR; Crane-Godreau M, Grant K (2004). "Endocrine regulation of the mucosal immune system in the female reproductive tract". Unutar In: Ogra PL, Mestecky J, Lamm ME, Strober W, McGhee JR, Bienenstock J (eds.). Mucosal Immunology. San Francisco: Elsevier. ISBN 0124915434 
  4. Lang, TJ (2004). "Estrogen as an immunomodulator". Clin Immunol 113: 224–230. doi:10.1016/j.clim.2004.05.011. PMID 15507385 
    Moriyama, A; Shimoya K, Ogata I et al. (1999). "Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) concentrations in cervical mucus of women with normal menstrual cycle". Molecular Human Reproduction 5: 656–661. doi:10.1093/molehr/5.7.656. PMID 10381821. 
    Cutolo, M; Sulli A, Capellino S, Villaggio B, Montagna P, Seriolo B, Straub RH (2004). "Sex hormones influence on the immune system: basic and clinical aspects in autoimmunity". Lupus 13: 635–638. doi:10.1191/0961203304lu1094oa. PMID 15485092 
    King, AE; Critchley HOD, Kelly RW (2000). "Presence of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor in human endometrium and first trimester decidua suggests an antibacterial role". Molecular Human Reproduction 6: 191–196. doi:10.1093/molehr/6.2.191. PMID 10655462. 
  5. Dorshkind, K; Horseman ND (2000). "The Roles of Prolactin, Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, and Thyroid Hormones in Lymphocyte Development and Function: Insights from Genetic Models of Hormones and Hormone Receptor Deficiency". Endocrine Reviews 21: 292–312. doi:10.1210/er.21.3.292. PMID 10857555. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 31. srpnja 2010.. Pristupljeno 21. siječnja 2011. 
  6. Nagpal, Sunil; Songqing Naand and Radhakrishnan Rathnachalam (2005). "Noncalcemic Actions of Vitamin D Receptor Ligands". Endocrine Reviews 26 (5): 662–687. doi:10.1210/er.2004-0002. PMID 15798098. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 19. veljače 2009.. Pristupljeno 21. siječnja 2011. .
  7. Vlček B., Reif A., Seidlova B.: Evidence of the participation of deoxycholate in cancer immunity, Z.Naturforsch. 26 b, 419-424 (1971)
  8. Vlček B.: Potentiation of the immune response with DCA (czech), Prakt.Lekar 52, 326-330 (1972)
  9. Chyle M., Chyle P.: Regulation of the immune response with DCA (czech, engl. summary), Sbornik lek. 84, 212-218 (1982)
  10. Djeraba A, Quere P (2000). "In vivo macrophage activation in chickens with Acemannan, a complex carbohydrate extracted from Aloe vera". Int J Immunopharmacol 22 (5): 365-72 
  11. Soltanian S, Stuyven E, Cox E, Sorgeloos P, Bossier P (2009). "Beta-glucans as immunostimulant in vertebrates and invertebrates". Critical Reviews in Microbiology 35 (2): 109-138. doi:10.1080/10408410902753746.