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The Princess Bride (album): razlika između inačica

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Bot: Automatski unos stranica
m Bot: Automatska zamjena teksta (-{{Album +{{Infookvir album)
Redak 1: Redak 1:
<!--'''The Princess Bride (album)'''-->{{naslov u kurzivu}}
<!--'''The Princess Bride (album)'''-->{{naslov u kurzivu}}
{{Infookvir album
|ime_albuma    =The Princess Bride
|ime_albuma    =The Princess Bride
|slika          =The Princess Bride.jpg
|slika          =The Princess Bride.jpg

Posljednja izmjena od 9. prosinac 2021. u 02:07

The Princess Bride
Datoteka:The Princess Bride.jpg
Mark Knopfler (filmska glazba)
Žanr filmska glazba
Objavljen 12. studenog 1987.
Trajanje 39:25
Izdavač Vertigo, Warner Bros.
Producent(i) Mark Knopfler
Kronologija albuma – Mark Knopfler
Comfort and Joy
The Princess Bride
Last Exit to Brooklyn

The Princess Bride je glazba iz istoimenog filma The Princess Bride.

Sve pjesme je skladao Mark Knopfler osim "Storybook Love" koju je skladao Willy DeVille.

Popis pjesama

  1. "Once upon a Time...Storybook Love" – 4:00
  2. "I Will Never Love Again" – 3:04
  3. "Florin Dance" – 1:32
  4. "Morning Ride" – 1:36
  5. "The Friends' Song" – 3:02
  6. "The Cliffs of Insanity" – 3:18
  7. "The Swordfight" – 2:43
  8. "Guide My Sword" – 5:11
  9. "The Fire Swamp and the Rodents of Unusual Size" – 4:47
  10. "Revenge" – 3:51
  11. "A Happy Ending" – 1:52
  12. "Storybook Love" – 4:24