Man of Science, Man of Faith (Izgubljeni): razlika između inačica
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Redak 40: | Redak 40: | ||
== Produkcija == | == Produkcija == | ||
[[ | [[Datoteka:Henryiancusick.jpg|thumb|right|Glumac [[Henry Ian Cusick]] ostvario je svoj debi kao [[Desmond Hume (Izgubljeni)|Desmond Hume]] u epizodi ''Man of Science, Man of Faith''.]] | ||
Premda naslov epizode ''Man of Science, Man of Faith'' aludira na citat iz [[Exodus (Izgubljeni)|finala prve sezone]] u kojoj Locke sebe opisuje kao čovjeka od [[vjera|vjere]], a Jacka kao čovjeka od [[znanost|znanosti]], scenarist [[Damon Lindelof]] istaknuo je da se naslov zapravo odnosi samo na lik Jacka koji predstavlja oboje - u radnji koja se događa prije otoka gledamo empirističkog "čovjeka od znanosti" koji se suočava s čudom dok liječi pacijenticu. Scenarij epizode fokusiran je isključivo na otvaranje okna, a drugi ''cliffhanger'' iz finala prve sezone - uništenje [[Michael Dawson (Izgubljeni)|Michaelove]] splavi i otmica njegovog sina Walta od strane [[Drugi (Izgubljeni)|Drugih]] - ostavljen je za drugu epizodu sezone, [[Adrift (Izgubljeni)|"Adrift"]]. Uzbudljivi završetak prethodne sezone također je postavio i ton ove epizode: preživjeli očekuju napad Drugih, ali publika već zna da oni neće doći budući su otišli prema splavi. Kako bi epizodu prilagodili novim gledateljima, mnogi dijalozi ponavljaju događaje iz prve sezone.<ref name=commentary>{{cite video |people=[[Jack Bender]], [[Damon Lindelof]], [[Bryan Burk]], [[Carlton Cuse]] |date=2006 |title=[[Audio commentary]] for "Man of Science, Man of Faith" | medium=DVD |publisher=Buena Vista Home Entertainment |location=''Lost: The Complete Second Season'' Disk 1 }}</ref> | Premda naslov epizode ''Man of Science, Man of Faith'' aludira na citat iz [[Exodus (Izgubljeni)|finala prve sezone]] u kojoj Locke sebe opisuje kao čovjeka od [[vjera|vjere]], a Jacka kao čovjeka od [[znanost|znanosti]], scenarist [[Damon Lindelof]] istaknuo je da se naslov zapravo odnosi samo na lik Jacka koji predstavlja oboje - u radnji koja se događa prije otoka gledamo empirističkog "čovjeka od znanosti" koji se suočava s čudom dok liječi pacijenticu. Scenarij epizode fokusiran je isključivo na otvaranje okna, a drugi ''cliffhanger'' iz finala prve sezone - uništenje [[Michael Dawson (Izgubljeni)|Michaelove]] splavi i otmica njegovog sina Walta od strane [[Drugi (Izgubljeni)|Drugih]] - ostavljen je za drugu epizodu sezone, [[Adrift (Izgubljeni)|"Adrift"]]. Uzbudljivi završetak prethodne sezone također je postavio i ton ove epizode: preživjeli očekuju napad Drugih, ali publika već zna da oni neće doći budući su otišli prema splavi. Kako bi epizodu prilagodili novim gledateljima, mnogi dijalozi ponavljaju događaje iz prve sezone.<ref name=commentary>{{cite video |people=[[Jack Bender]], [[Damon Lindelof]], [[Bryan Burk]], [[Carlton Cuse]] |date=2006 |title=[[Audio commentary]] for "Man of Science, Man of Faith" | medium=DVD |publisher=Buena Vista Home Entertainment |location=''Lost: The Complete Second Season'' Disk 1 }}</ref> | ||
Producenti su odlučili započeti epizodu unutar okna ''Labud'' zbog toga što su pretpostavljali da će publika očekivati direktan nastavak epizode (i sezone) kod Lockea i Johna koji gledaju niz otvor okna pa je uvod snimljen na mjestu koje ne otkriva lokaciju ili razdoblje - redatelj [[Jack Bender]] izjavio je da ga je sve to podsjetilo na njegov stan u [[San Francisco|San Franciscu]] - sve do eksplozije otvora okna. Za radnju koja se odvija prije dolaska na otok, redatelj Bender odlučio je izbjeći snimanje scena u hitnoj službi po uzoru na [[Hitna služba (TV serija)|istoimenu seriju]] pa je većina scena snimljena "kamerom iz ruke" kako bi se dobio "spontani osjećaj".<ref name=commentary/> Operacija nad Sarah snimljena je u pravoj operacijskoj sali u Oahu, dok je scena na igralištu snimljena na nogometnom stadionu Aloha u [[Honolulu|Honoluluu]].<ref>{{ | Producenti su odlučili započeti epizodu unutar okna ''Labud'' zbog toga što su pretpostavljali da će publika očekivati direktan nastavak epizode (i sezone) kod Lockea i Johna koji gledaju niz otvor okna pa je uvod snimljen na mjestu koje ne otkriva lokaciju ili razdoblje - redatelj [[Jack Bender]] izjavio je da ga je sve to podsjetilo na njegov stan u [[San Francisco|San Franciscu]] - sve do eksplozije otvora okna. Za radnju koja se odvija prije dolaska na otok, redatelj Bender odlučio je izbjeći snimanje scena u hitnoj službi po uzoru na [[Hitna služba (TV serija)|istoimenu seriju]] pa je većina scena snimljena "kamerom iz ruke" kako bi se dobio "spontani osjećaj".<ref name=commentary/> Operacija nad Sarah snimljena je u pravoj operacijskoj sali u Oahu, dok je scena na igralištu snimljena na nogometnom stadionu Aloha u [[Honolulu|Honoluluu]].<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=Aloha Stadium|publisher=Lost Virtual Tour|accessdate=2010-12-25}}</ref> | ||
Počevši od ove epizode, preživjeli polako počinju napuštati pećine - lokaciju koju su producenti smatrali izrazito teškom za snimanje i "ne pretjerano estetski dobrom". Stanica ''Labud'' postat će glavno mjesto radnje druge sezone zbog svoje tajanstvenosti, ali i udobnosti koju pruža protagonistima radnje poput [[struja|struje]] i [[hrana|hrane]].<ref name=commentary/> Stanica je izgrađena po uzoru na modernizam [[1970-ih|70-ih godina]] prošlog [[stoljeće|stoljeća]], slično kao što i ''Tomorrowland'' u [[Disneyland|Disneylandu]] pobuđuje modernu [[1960-ih|60-ih godina]], ali uz oronuli izgled zbog neodržavanja.<ref>{{cite video|title=Secrets of the Hatch|type=Documentary| medium=DVD |publisher=Buena Vista Home Entertainment |location=''Lost: The Complete Second Season'' Disk 7}}</ref> Uz nagovještaj činjenice da je stanica izgrađena zbog opasnih namjera u njoj se nalazi i veliki betonski zid sa snažnom magnetskom snagom. Okno je u potpunosti kompjuterski generirano, a scene u njemu snimane su uz pomoć zelenog ekrana.<ref name=commentary/> | Počevši od ove epizode, preživjeli polako počinju napuštati pećine - lokaciju koju su producenti smatrali izrazito teškom za snimanje i "ne pretjerano estetski dobrom". Stanica ''Labud'' postat će glavno mjesto radnje druge sezone zbog svoje tajanstvenosti, ali i udobnosti koju pruža protagonistima radnje poput [[struja|struje]] i [[hrana|hrane]].<ref name=commentary/> Stanica je izgrađena po uzoru na modernizam [[1970-ih|70-ih godina]] prošlog [[stoljeće|stoljeća]], slično kao što i ''Tomorrowland'' u [[Disneyland|Disneylandu]] pobuđuje modernu [[1960-ih|60-ih godina]], ali uz oronuli izgled zbog neodržavanja.<ref>{{cite video|title=Secrets of the Hatch|type=Documentary| medium=DVD |publisher=Buena Vista Home Entertainment |location=''Lost: The Complete Second Season'' Disk 7}}</ref> Uz nagovještaj činjenice da je stanica izgrađena zbog opasnih namjera u njoj se nalazi i veliki betonski zid sa snažnom magnetskom snagom. Okno je u potpunosti kompjuterski generirano, a scene u njemu snimane su uz pomoć zelenog ekrana.<ref name=commentary/> | ||
Redak 50: | Redak 50: | ||
== Priznanja == | == Priznanja == | ||
Premijera sezone ''Man of Science, Man of Faith'' bila je najgledanija epizoda serije<ref>{{ | Premijera sezone ''Man of Science, Man of Faith'' bila je najgledanija epizoda serije<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=The Most-Watched 'Lost' Episodes From Each Season|publisher=[[Business Insider]]|author=Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak |date=2010-05-21|accessdate=2011-01-08}}</ref> s 23.47 milijuna [[Amerikanci|Amerikanaca]].<ref>Wilkes, Neil, (September 23, 2005) "[ US Ratings: ''Lost'' Premiere Draws 23 Million]," ''[[Digital Spy]]''. Retrieved on October 6, 2007.</ref> Toga tjedna to je bila treća najgledanija epizoda neke serije, odmah iza epizoda serija [[CSI: Crime Scene Investigation|Ekipa za očevid]] i [[Kućanice]].<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05|publisher=[[American Broadcasting Company]]|date=2005-09-27|accessdate=2011-01-08}}</ref> | ||
Kritike epizode bile su pozitivne. Jeff Jensen iz časopisa [[Entertainment Weekly]] bio je frustriran što epizoda nije otkrila događaje na splavi te što je u njoj natrpana hrpa novih misterija, ali mu se svidio sam scenarij i simbolizam.<ref>Jensen, Jeff, (September 21, 2005) "[,,1107837,00.html "Lost": Down the Hatch]", ''[[Entertainment Weekly]]''. Retrieved on January 8, 2011.</ref> Keith McDuffee iz ''TV Squad'' napisao je da se "nalazio u napetosti" kroz čitavu epizodu.<ref>{{ | Kritike epizode bile su pozitivne. Jeff Jensen iz časopisa [[Entertainment Weekly]] bio je frustriran što epizoda nije otkrila događaje na splavi te što je u njoj natrpana hrpa novih misterija, ali mu se svidio sam scenarij i simbolizam.<ref>Jensen, Jeff, (September 21, 2005) "[,,1107837,00.html "Lost": Down the Hatch]", ''[[Entertainment Weekly]]''. Retrieved on January 8, 2011.</ref> Keith McDuffee iz ''TV Squad'' napisao je da se "nalazio u napetosti" kroz čitavu epizodu.<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=Lost: Man of Science, Man of Faith|first=Keith|last=McDuffee|date=2005-09-21|publisher=[[TV Squad]]|accessdate=2011-02-15}}</ref> Chris Carabott iz ''IGN-a'' dao je ocjenu epizodi 9.3/10 najviše hvaleći radnju koja se odvija prije otoka: "Sjajno montirana, totalno u skladu s događajima na otoku", a posebno je pohvalio i glumu [[Julie Bowen]] kao Sarah.<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=Lost Flashback: "Adrift" Review |date=2009-06-12|first=Chris|last=Carabott|publisher=[[IGN]]|accessdate=2010-12-13}}</ref> Maureen Ryan iz Chicago Tribunea napisala je da epizoda "ima odličan ritam i fantastičan povratak formi".<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=Simply hatch-tastic |date=2005-09-23|first=Maureen|last=Ryan|work=[[The Chicago Tribune]]|accessdate=2011-02-15}}</ref> Ryan Mcgee iz ''Zap2it'' smatrao je da su uvod s oknom i Desmondova i Jackova scena na stadionu vrhunci premijere sezone.<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title='Lost': Man of Science, Man of Faith|publisher=[[Zap2it]]|first=Ryan|last=McGee|date=2008-08-17|accessdate=2011-01-08}}</ref> | ||
Glavni kamerman Michael Bonvillain nominiran je za prestižnu televizijsku nagradu [[Emmy]] u kategoriji najbolje kamere upravo za ovu epizodu.<ref>{{Citiranje weba| archiveurl=| url=| archivedate=8 srpnja 2006| title=The 58th Primetime Emmy Awards and Creative Arts Emmys Nominations| publisher=[[Academy of Television Arts & Sciences]]| accessdate=2011-01-08}}</ref> Portal ''IGN'' postavio je epizodu ''Man of Science, Man of Faith'' na 18. mjesto najboljih epizoda serije [[Izgubljeni]],<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=Ranking Lost |date=2010-06-02|publisher=[[IGN]]|accessdate=2010-12-13}}</ref> dok su novine [[Los Angeles Times]] istu epizodu postavile na 11. mjesto najboljih epizoda cjelokupne serije uz dodatak da se radilo o najboljem Jackovom ''flashbacku'' i o epizodi koja je demonstrirala "koliko je serija postala samouvjerena te da se u to vrijeme nalazila na svom vrhuncu."<ref>{{ | Glavni kamerman Michael Bonvillain nominiran je za prestižnu televizijsku nagradu [[Emmy]] u kategoriji najbolje kamere upravo za ovu epizodu.<ref>{{Citiranje weba| archiveurl=| url=| archivedate=8 srpnja 2006| title=The 58th Primetime Emmy Awards and Creative Arts Emmys Nominations| publisher=[[Academy of Television Arts & Sciences]]| accessdate=2011-01-08}}</ref> Portal ''IGN'' postavio je epizodu ''Man of Science, Man of Faith'' na 18. mjesto najboljih epizoda serije [[Izgubljeni]],<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=Ranking Lost |date=2010-06-02|publisher=[[IGN]]|accessdate=2010-12-13}}</ref> dok su novine [[Los Angeles Times]] istu epizodu postavile na 11. mjesto najboljih epizoda cjelokupne serije uz dodatak da se radilo o najboljem Jackovom ''flashbacku'' i o epizodi koja je demonstrirala "koliko je serija postala samouvjerena te da se u to vrijeme nalazila na svom vrhuncu."<ref>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title='Lost' 10s: Every episode of 'Lost,' ever (well, except the finale), ranked for your enjoyment|work=[[Los Angeles Times]]|date=2010-05-23|first=Todd|last=VanDerWerff|accessdate=2010-07-27}}</ref> | ||
== Izvori == | == Izvori == |
Posljednja izmjena od 30. travanj 2022. u 07:53
Henry Ian Cusick kao Desmond Hume
Julie Bowen kao Sarah
Anson Mount kao Kevin
Katie Doyle kao Buchanan
David Ely kao internist
Masayo Ford kao medicinski tehničar
Julius Ledda kao medicinski tehničar
Ivana Michele Smith kao preživjeli
Larry Wiss kao anesteziolog |
"Man of Science, Man of Faith" | |||||||
Epizoda serije Izgubljeni | |||||||
Datoteka:Man of Science, Man of Faith.jpg{{#if:Jack Shephard i John Locke znatiželjno gledaju u otvor podzemnog okna| Jack Shephard i John Locke znatiželjno gledaju u otvor podzemnog okna}} | |||||||
Epizoda br. | {{#if:2|Sezona 2 }}Epizoda 1 | ||||||
Scenarij | Damon Lindelof | ||||||
Režija | Jack Bender | ||||||
Izabrana glazba | "Make Your Own Kind of Music" u izvedbi pjevačice Mama Cass Elliot | ||||||
Snimatelj | |||||||
Produkcijski br. | 201 | ||||||
Originalno emitirana | 21. rujna 2005. | ||||||
Gostujući glumci | |||||||
John Terry kao Christian Shephard | |||||||
}} {{#if:Popis epizoda serije Izgubljeni| | |||||||
Popis epizoda serije Izgubljeni
}} |
"Man of Science, Man of Faith" je prva epizoda druge sezone televizijske serije Izgubljeni i sveukupno 26. epizoda kompletne serije. Režirao ju je Jack Bender, a napisao Damon Lindelof. Prvi puta se emitirala 21. rujna 2005. godine na televizijskoj mreži ABC. Glavni lik radnje epizode je Jack Shephard koji se u radnji prije dolaska na otok bori kako bi izliječio Sarah (koja će mu kasnije postati supruga). U radnji koja se događa na otoku, John Locke i Kate Austen odluče ući u podzemno okno.
Tijekom pisanja epizode, producenti su željeli nastaviti priču o oknu koja je ostala visiti u zraku na kraju prethodne sezone pa su odlučili događaje koji se odvijaju na splavi ostaviti za sljedeću epizodu - "Adrift". Epizoda Man of Science, Man of Faith dobila je pozitivne kritike te je do kraja serije ostala najgledanija pojedinačna epizoda s 23.47 milijuna gledatelja u Sjevernoj Americi.
Muškarac (Henry Ian Cusick) se budi iz svog kreveta i odmah unosi nekoliko brojeva u kompjuter koji naliči kompjuterima iz razdoblja 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća. Nakon toga se oblači i započinje svoj dan dok kamera prati njegovo kretanje kroz prostorije koje se sastoje od raznih stvari od 60-tih godina naovamo. Uključi glazbu, započne vježbati, tušira se, pravi si doručak i daje si injekciju. Odjednom ga prekida eksplozija što ga nagna da se naoruža prije nego ode to teleskopa. Kroz njegov pogled publika otkriva Jacka Shepharda (Matthew Fox) i Johna Lockea (Terry O'Quinn) koji gledaju nad otvorenim oknom.
Prije otoka[uredi]
Jack susreće svoju buduću suprugu Sarah (Julie Bowen) koja je došla u hitnu nakon prometne nesreće. On joj spašava život, ali joj govori da je zbog ozljede kralježnice malo vjerojatno da će Sarah tijekom svog života moći ponovno hodati.
Nakon što ga otac (John Terry) opomene zbog pesimizma, Jack operira Sarah te poslije operacije odlazi trčati po nogometnom stadionu. Tijekom trčanja padne pa mu u pomoć prilazi muškarac Desmond koji također trči stadionom, a koji mu govori da trenira za utrku oko svijeta. Jack se povjeri Desmondu o tome kako je iznevjerio Sarah, a Desmond mu govori da se nikad ne smije izgubiti nada. Kada se Jack vrati u sobu od Sarah otkriva da je operacija uspjela i da će ona ipak moći hodati.
Na otoku[uredi]
Na ulasku u okno Locke govori da ne trebaju čekati dan kako bi ušli u njega. S druge strane, Jack smatra da bi trebali pričekati. U isto vrijeme u pećinama, Shannon Rutherford (Maggie Grace) i Sayid Jarrah (Naveen Andrews) traže Waltovog (Malcolm David Kelley) psa Vincenta u džungli. Tijekom potrage Shannon u viziji vidi Walta, potpuno mokrog koji nerazgovjetno priča. Sve to spomene drugim preživjelima, ali nitko joj ne vjeruje.
Kada dođe do pećina, Jack objašnjava novonastalu situaciju ostalim preživjelima obećavajući im da će sve biti u redu ako ostanu zajedno. U tom trenutku pojavljuje se Locke koji uzima kabel i govori da odlazi u okno. Nedugo potom Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly) odlazi za njim. Dok je Locke spušta niz okno, Kate netragom nestaje nakon što se iz okna pojavi veliko blještavo svjetlo.
U pećinama, nakon što je ostale preživjele obavijestio o njihovom odlasku u džunglu i smrti Dr. Arzta (Daniel Roebuch), Jack odluči poći za Kate i Lockeom. Kada dođe do okna ne pronalazi nikoga te se samostalno spušta niz ulaz. Dok istražuje početak okna ugleda oslikani zid te drugi zid kod kojeg njegov ključ oko vrata privuče snažna magnetska sila. Odjednom ga iznenadi snažno blještavo svjetlo i glasna glazba pa on ulazi u podzemnu geodetsku kupolu s kompjuterskom opremom koja uključuje kompjuter Apple II. Jack pokuša upotrijebiti kompjuter, ali se Locke pojavljuje i govori Jacku da ga ne dira. Jack podiže pištolj i uperi ga u Lockea te upita gdje je Kate, a ubrzo potom shvati da je u Lockea uperena puška. Muškarac koji prijeti Lockeu kaže da će ga ubiti ako Jack ne spusti svoje oružje. Jack odbija i umjesto toga upita Lockea zar je to sudbina o kojoj je cijelo vrijeme pričao. U konačnici muškarac izlazi iz sjene i Jack ga prepoznaje: to je Desmond s nogometnog stadiona.
Premda naslov epizode Man of Science, Man of Faith aludira na citat iz finala prve sezone u kojoj Locke sebe opisuje kao čovjeka od vjere, a Jacka kao čovjeka od znanosti, scenarist Damon Lindelof istaknuo je da se naslov zapravo odnosi samo na lik Jacka koji predstavlja oboje - u radnji koja se događa prije otoka gledamo empirističkog "čovjeka od znanosti" koji se suočava s čudom dok liječi pacijenticu. Scenarij epizode fokusiran je isključivo na otvaranje okna, a drugi cliffhanger iz finala prve sezone - uništenje Michaelove splavi i otmica njegovog sina Walta od strane Drugih - ostavljen je za drugu epizodu sezone, "Adrift". Uzbudljivi završetak prethodne sezone također je postavio i ton ove epizode: preživjeli očekuju napad Drugih, ali publika već zna da oni neće doći budući su otišli prema splavi. Kako bi epizodu prilagodili novim gledateljima, mnogi dijalozi ponavljaju događaje iz prve sezone.<ref name=commentary>{{
#if:Jack Bender, Damon Lindelof, Bryan Burk, Carlton Cuse | Jack Bender, Damon Lindelof, Bryan Burk, Carlton Cuse.
}}{{#if:| ({{#if:2006|, 2006}}).}}{{
#if: | ([[{{{date2}}}]]). |{{#if: |{{#if: | ({{{month2}}} {{{year2}}}). | ({{{year2}}}). }} }}
#if: | [{{{url}}} Audio commentary for "Man of Science, Man of Faith"]{{#if:| ()}}{{#if:DVD| [DVD]}}. | Audio commentary for "Man of Science, Man of Faith"{{#if:| ()}}{{#if:DVD| [DVD]}}.
#if:Buena Vista Home Entertainment | {{#if:Lost: The Complete Second Season Disk 1|Lost: The Complete Second Season Disk 1: }}Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
#if: | Preuzeto [[]]. |{{#if: | Preuzeto {{#if: |during . |during . }} }}
#if: | Zbiva se u .
#if: | {{{id}}}.
#if: | ISBN {{{isbn}}}.
#if: | OCLC {{{oclc}}}.
#if: | "{{{quote}}}"
Producenti su odlučili započeti epizodu unutar okna Labud zbog toga što su pretpostavljali da će publika očekivati direktan nastavak epizode (i sezone) kod Lockea i Johna koji gledaju niz otvor okna pa je uvod snimljen na mjestu koje ne otkriva lokaciju ili razdoblje - redatelj Jack Bender izjavio je da ga je sve to podsjetilo na njegov stan u San Franciscu - sve do eksplozije otvora okna. Za radnju koja se odvija prije dolaska na otok, redatelj Bender odlučio je izbjeći snimanje scena u hitnoj službi po uzoru na istoimenu seriju pa je većina scena snimljena "kamerom iz ruke" kako bi se dobio "spontani osjećaj".<ref name=commentary/> Operacija nad Sarah snimljena je u pravoj operacijskoj sali u Oahu, dok je scena na igralištu snimljena na nogometnom stadionu Aloha u Honoluluu.<ref>{{
#if: |{{ #if: |{{ #iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }} | |Predložak:Loop }} |{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<2 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }} | |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<3 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<4 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<5 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<6 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<7 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<8 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }}
}}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} | }}{{ #if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} | ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0}} | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}]] |{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} }} }} }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}}{{ #if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} | ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0}} | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}]] |{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }} }}
#if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }}{{#if:||{{#if:||}}}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{#if:{{ #if: |{{ #if: | | }}|{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} |[{{ #if: |{{ #if: | | }}|{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} {{ #if: |{{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |"{{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} | }}[] }}" }}] |{{ #if: |{{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |"{{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} | }}[] }}" }}
|dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
#ifeq: |
#if: {{
#if:Aloha Stadium
|Aloha Stadium
|Pogreška: no |title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} napisano u mjestu
#if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|U|u}}nutar }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }}}}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[|{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |; |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[|{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}|.}}|.}} }} }} }}{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} | |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.||.}} }} }}
#if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: |{{#if:{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: | | }}|{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} |[{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: | | }}|{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} "{{ #if: |{{ #if: | }}[] }}"] |"{{ #if: |{{ #if: | }}[] }}"
|dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{TitleNote}}}
#if: |{{#if: |{{#switch: | en-gb|en-us|en|eng|eng.|engleski|english = (engl.) | bs|bs-ba|boš|boš.|bosnian = (boš.) | de|de-de|german = (njem.) | es|spanish = (šp.) | fr|french = (fr.) | hr|hrv |hrv.|hrvatski|hr-hr|croatian = | hu= (mađ.) | it|it-it|italian = (tal.) | mk|macedonian = (maked.) | nl= (nizoz.) |pt|portugese = (port.) | ro = (rum.) | ru|russian = (rus.) | sv|swedish = (šved.) | sl|slovenian = (slov.) | sr|serbian = (srp.) | tur|turkish = (tur.) | uk|ukrainian = (ukr.) | #default = () }} }}
#if: | ()
#if: |{{ #if:{{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{{Periodical}}}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: Lost Virtual Tour | (: Lost Virtual Tour) | () }} |{{ #if: Lost Virtual Tour | (Lost Virtual Tour) }} }}{{ #if: | {{#if:|{{{Volume}}}|{{{Volume}}}}}{{ #if: | ({{{Issue}}}) }} |{{ #if: | ({{{Issue}}}) }} }}{{ #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} |: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }} {{#if:{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: | |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} |[{{ #if: {{ #if:Aloha Stadium |Aloha Stadium |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: | |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} {{ #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}] }}] |{{ #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}] }}
}}{{ #if: | () }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{Volume}}} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: | ({{{Edition}}} ed.) }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: Lost Virtual Tour |{{ #if: |: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }} Lost Virtual Tour }}
#if: | |{{ #if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}+0}} | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}]] |{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }}
#if: |{{ #ifeq: | {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} | |{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
| (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
| (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
}} }} }}
#if: | |{{ #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} }}
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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}} }}{{
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
}} }}{{
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|I|i}}načica }} | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|I|i}}načica{{#if: |{{#if:| {{#if: |izvorne stranice |izvorne stranice
}} }}{{#if:| arhivirana {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
#if:{{#if:||A}}{{#if:}}{{#if:%7C%7CC}} |. Pogreška: If you specify|{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=
}}}}, you must {{#if: also specify|{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=
| {{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|also|first}} specify|url=
}}{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }}
#if: {{
#if:Aloha Stadium
|Aloha Stadium
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specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
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|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{
#if: 2010-12-25
| {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|,|, p| P}}ristupljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|2010-12-25 }} | none }}
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: 2010-12-25+0 }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2010-12-25+0 > 10000000000000
|{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:2010-12-25+0}} | 2010-12-25
| none
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|{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-25 }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|2010-12-25 }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:2010-12-25
{{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-25 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2010-12-25>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|2010-12-25 2004}}
{{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|2010-12-25 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|2010-12-25 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd = F j
| mdy | iso | ymd = F j
| ldmy | l = j F
| #default = j F
}}|2010-12-25 2000 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd
| ldmy | l = F
| #default = F
}}|2010-12-25 2000 }}
{{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 2010-12-25}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 2010-12-25}}|*D*| }}}}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy = F j, Y
| mdy = F j, Y
| liso = Y-m-d
| iso = Y-m-d
| lymd = Y F j
| ymd = Y F j
| ldmy | l = j. F Y.
| #default = j. F Y.
}}|2010-12-25 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y
| #default = F Y
}}|2010-12-25 }}
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – }}
| ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
}}) }}{{#if:
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} ""
#if: {{
#if:Aloha Stadium
|Aloha Stadium
|Pogreška: no |title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
#if: |&rft.aulast={{
#if: |&rft.aufirst=
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
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#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}| }} |&
#if: |&rft.series=
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}} |&rft.pages=%7B%7B%23if%3A+%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%7C%7Cstr.%26nbsp%3B%7D%7D%7B%7B%7Bpage%7D%7D%7D%0A++++++%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A+%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%7C%7Cstr.%26nbsp%3B%7D%7D%7B%7B%7Bpages%7D%7D%7D%0A++++++%7C%7D%7D%0A++++%7D%7D
#if: |&rft.edition=%7B%7B%7BEdition%7D%7D%7D
#if: |&
#if: Lost Virtual Tour |&
#if: |&rft_id=info:arxiv/
#if: |&rft_id=info:asin/
#if: |&rft_id=info:bibcode/
#if: |&rft_id=info:doi/
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#if: |&rft_id=info:olnum/
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#if: |&
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#if: |&rft_id=info:pmid/
#if: |&rft_id=info:rfc/
#if: |&rft_id=info:ssrn/
#if: |&rft_id=info:zbl/
#if: |&
{{#if: |}}{{#ifeq: {{#if:2010-12-25|a|b}} | {{#if:|a|c}} | }}{{#ifeq: {{#if:|f|g}} | {{#if:|f|h}} | }}</ref>
Počevši od ove epizode, preživjeli polako počinju napuštati pećine - lokaciju koju su producenti smatrali izrazito teškom za snimanje i "ne pretjerano estetski dobrom". Stanica Labud postat će glavno mjesto radnje druge sezone zbog svoje tajanstvenosti, ali i udobnosti koju pruža protagonistima radnje poput struje i hrane.<ref name=commentary/> Stanica je izgrađena po uzoru na modernizam 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, slično kao što i Tomorrowland u Disneylandu pobuđuje modernu 60-ih godina, ali uz oronuli izgled zbog neodržavanja.<ref>{{
#if: | .
}}{{#if:| ({{#if:|, }}).}}{{
#if: | ([[{{{date2}}}]]). |{{#if: |{{#if: | ({{{month2}}} {{{year2}}}). | ({{{year2}}}). }} }}
#if: | [{{{url}}} Secrets of the Hatch]{{#if:| ()}}{{#if:DVD| [DVD]}}. | Secrets of the Hatch{{#if:| ()}}{{#if:DVD| [DVD]}}.
#if:Buena Vista Home Entertainment | {{#if:Lost: The Complete Second Season Disk 7|Lost: The Complete Second Season Disk 7: }}Buena Vista Home Entertainment.
#if: | Preuzeto [[]]. |{{#if: | Preuzeto {{#if: |during . |during . }} }}
#if: | Zbiva se u .
#if: | {{{id}}}.
#if: | ISBN {{{isbn}}}.
#if: | OCLC {{{oclc}}}.
#if: | "{{{quote}}}"
}}</ref> Uz nagovještaj činjenice da je stanica izgrađena zbog opasnih namjera u njoj se nalazi i veliki betonski zid sa snažnom magnetskom snagom. Okno je u potpunosti kompjuterski generirano, a scene u njemu snimane su uz pomoć zelenog ekrana.<ref name=commentary/>
Ovo je prva epizoda u kojoj je upotrebljena pjesma "Make Your Own Kind of Music" u izvedbi pjevačice Mame Cass koja će se kasnije čuti u mnogim epizodama. Lindelof je odabrao ovu pjesmu, jer ga je podsjećala na djetinjstvo kada je njegova majka "znala slušati radio nedjeljom ujutro kada bi uključila glazbu, usisavač i plakala."<ref name=commentary/> Također je izjavio da riječi same pjesme pašu uz epizodu te da pjesma ima određeni osjećaj u sebi zbog osobne povijesti pjevačice Mame Cass.<ref name="Podcast">Lindelof, Damon & Cuse, Carlton, (January 6, 2006) "Official Lost Audio Podcast", ABC. Retrieved on March 17, 2011.</ref>
Premijera sezone Man of Science, Man of Faith bila je najgledanija epizoda serije<ref>{{
#if:Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak |{{ #if: |{{ #iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }} | |Predložak:Loop }} |{{ #if: |[[ |Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak{{ #if: |, }}]] |Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak{{ #if: |, }} }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<2 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }} | |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<3 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<4 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<5 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<6 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<7 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<8 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }}
}}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} | }}{{ #if: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} | ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0}} | {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}]] |{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}} }} }} }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}|.}}|.}}{{ #if: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} | ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0}} | {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}]] |{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }} }}
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#if: Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak{{
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specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: | |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} {{ #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}] }}] |{{ #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}] }}
}}{{ #if: | () }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{Volume}}} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: | ({{{Edition}}} ed.) }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: Business Insider |{{ #if: |: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }} Business Insider }}
#if: Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak | |{{ #if: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}+0}} | {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}]] |{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }}
#if: |{{ #ifeq: | {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} | |{{ #if: |{{ #if: Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
| (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
| (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
}} }} }}
#if: | |{{ #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} }}
#if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{#switch:arxiv |arxiv=arXiv: {{#if:1||arXiv: }} |asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: |ca=ca |cn=cn |de=de |ed=es |fr=fr |it=it | | | | |#default=com }}/dp/ ] {{#if:1||ASIN }} |bibcode=Bibcode {{#if:1||Bibcode }} |doi={{#ifeq:|10. |{{#if: |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:| |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y | }}]] | }} |doi: }} |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} {{#if:1||{{#if: |doi: (neaktivan ) |doi: }} }} |isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISSN }} |jfm=JFM {{#if:1||JFM }} |jstor=JSTOR {{#if:1||JSTOR }} |lccn=LCCN {{#if:1||LCCN }} |mr=MR {{#if:1||MR }} |oclc=OCLC {{#if:1||OCLC }} |ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[73] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[74] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[75] |Error: Bad OL specified! }} }} }}{{#if:1||OL{{{1}}}}} |osti=OSTI {{#if:1||OSTI }} |pmc=PMC {{#if:1||PMC }} |pmid=PMID {{#if:1||PMID }} |rfc=RFC {{#if:|[76]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
}} }}{{
#if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{#switch:asin |arxiv=arXiv: {{#if:1||arXiv: }} |asin=ASIN [//{{#switch: |ca=ca |cn=cn |de=de |ed=es |fr=fr |it=it | | | | |#default=com }}/dp/ ] {{#if:1||ASIN }} |bibcode=Bibcode {{#if:1||Bibcode }} |doi={{#ifeq:|10. |{{#if: |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:| |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y | }}]] | }} |doi: }} |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} {{#if:1||{{#if: |doi: (neaktivan ) |doi: }} }} |isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISSN }} |jfm=JFM {{#if:1||JFM }} |jstor=JSTOR {{#if:1||JSTOR }} |lccn=LCCN {{#if:1||LCCN }} |mr=MR {{#if:1||MR }} |oclc=OCLC {{#if:1||OCLC }} |ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[77] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[78] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[79] |Error: Bad OL specified! }} }} }}{{#if:1||OL{{{1}}}}} |osti=OSTI {{#if:1||OSTI }} |pmc=PMC {{#if:1||PMC }} |pmid=PMID {{#if:1||PMID }} |rfc=RFC {{#if:|[80]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
}} }}{{
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISSN }} |jfm=JFM {{#if:1||JFM }} |jstor=JSTOR {{#if:1||JSTOR }} |lccn=LCCN {{#if:1||LCCN }} |mr=MR {{#if:1||MR }} |oclc=OCLC {{#if:1||OCLC }} |ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[81] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[82] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[83] |Error: Bad OL specified! }} }} }}{{#if:1||OL{{{1}}}}} |osti=OSTI {{#if:1||OSTI }} |pmc=PMC {{#if:1||PMC }} |pmid=PMID {{#if:1||PMID }} |rfc=RFC {{#if:|[84]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
}} }}{{
- if:
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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}} }}{{
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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}} }}{{
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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}} }}{{
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|I|i}}načica }} | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|I|i}}načica{{#if: |{{#if:| {{#if: |izvorne stranice |izvorne stranice
}} }}{{#if:| arhivirana {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
#if:{{#if:||A}}{{#if:}}{{#if:%7C%7CC}} |. Pogreška: If you specify|{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=
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| {{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|also|first}} specify|url=
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#if: {{
#if:The Most-Watched 'Lost' Episodes From Each Season
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#if: 2011-01-08
| {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|,|, p| P}}ristupljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|2011-01-08 }} | none }}
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|= {{safesubst:#if:2011-01-08
{{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|2011-01-08 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2011-01-08>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|2011-01-08 2004}}
{{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|2011-01-08 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|2011-01-08 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd = F j
| mdy | iso | ymd = F j
| ldmy | l = j F
| #default = j F
}}|2011-01-08 2000 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd
| ldmy | l = F
| #default = F
}}|2011-01-08 2000 }}
{{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 2011-01-08}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 2011-01-08}}|*D*| }}}}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy = F j, Y
| mdy = F j, Y
| liso = Y-m-d
| iso = Y-m-d
| lymd = Y F j
| ymd = Y F j
| ldmy | l = j. F Y.
| #default = j. F Y.
}}|2011-01-08 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y
| #default = F Y
}}|2011-01-08 }}
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – }}
| ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
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#if:The Most-Watched 'Lost' Episodes From Each Season
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#if: Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
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#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: {{#if:2010-05-21|2010-05-21| }} |&
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{{#if: |}}{{#ifeq: {{#if:2011-01-08|a|b}} | {{#if:|a|c}} | }}{{#ifeq: {{#if:Joe Pompeo and Antonina Jedrzejczak|f|g}} | {{#if:|f|h}} | }}</ref> s 23.47 milijuna Amerikanaca.<ref>Wilkes, Neil, (September 23, 2005) "US Ratings: Lost Premiere Draws 23 Million," Digital Spy. Retrieved on October 6, 2007.</ref> Toga tjedna to je bila treća najgledanija epizoda neke serije, odmah iza epizoda serija Ekipa za očevid i Kućanice.<ref>{{
#if: |{{ #if: |{{ #iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }} | |Predložak:Loop }} |{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<2 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }} | |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<3 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<4 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<5 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<6 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<7 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:|{{{display-authors}}}|8}}<8 | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }} }}
}}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} | }}{{ #if: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} | ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0}} | {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}]] |{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} }} }} }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}}{{ #if: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} | ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0}} | {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}]] |{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }} }}
#if: {{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
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specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |"{{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: {{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} | }}[] }}" }}] |{{ #if: |{{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |"{{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: {{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} | }}[] }}" }}
|dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
#ifeq: |
#if: {{
#if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05
|Pogreška: no |title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} napisano u mjestu
#if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{ #if: {{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|U|u}}nutar }}{{ #if: |[[ |{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }}}}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[|{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: |; |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }} }}{{ #if: |[[|{{ #if: |, }}]] |{{ #if: |, }} }}{{ #if: | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}|.}}|.}} }} }} }}{{ #if: {{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
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#if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: {{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
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specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: | | }}|{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} "{{ #if: |{{ #if: | }}[] }}"] |"{{ #if: |{{ #if: | }}[] }}"
|dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{TitleNote}}}
#if: |{{#if: |{{#switch: | en-gb|en-us|en|eng|eng.|engleski|english = (engl.) | bs|bs-ba|boš|boš.|bosnian = (boš.) | de|de-de|german = (njem.) | es|spanish = (šp.) | fr|french = (fr.) | hr|hrv |hrv.|hrvatski|hr-hr|croatian = | hu= (mađ.) | it|it-it|italian = (tal.) | mk|macedonian = (maked.) | nl= (nizoz.) |pt|portugese = (port.) | ro = (rum.) | ru|russian = (rus.) | sv|swedish = (šved.) | sl|slovenian = (slov.) | sr|serbian = (srp.) | tur|turkish = (tur.) | uk|ukrainian = (ukr.) | #default = () }} }}
#if: | ()
#if: |{{ #if:{{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{{Periodical}}}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: |{{ #if: American Broadcasting Company | (: American Broadcasting Company) | () }} |{{ #if: American Broadcasting Company | (American Broadcasting Company) }} }}{{ #if: | {{#if:|{{{Volume}}}|{{{Volume}}}}}{{ #if: | ({{{Issue}}}) }} |{{ #if: | ({{{Issue}}}) }} }}{{ #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} |: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: {{ #if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05 |{{ #if: | |Pogreška: no|title=
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specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{ #if: | |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} }} |{{ #if: |{{{URL}}} }} }} {{ #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}] }}] |{{ #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}] }}
}}{{ #if: | () }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{Volume}}} }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: | ({{{Edition}}} ed.) }}{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }}{{ #if: American Broadcasting Company |{{ #if: |: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} }} American Broadcasting Company }}
#if: | |{{ #if: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}+0}} | {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}]] |{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }}}}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}|{{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} }} }} }}
#if: | [] }} }}
#if: |{{ #ifeq: | {{#if:2005-09-27|2005-09-27| }} | |{{ #if: |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
| (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
}} |{{ #if: |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
| (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
}} }} }}
#if: | |{{ #if: {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}} |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}} |}} }} }}
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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}} }}{{
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISSN }} |jfm=JFM {{#if:1||JFM }} |jstor=JSTOR {{#if:1||JSTOR }} |lccn=LCCN {{#if:1||LCCN }} |mr=MR {{#if:1||MR }} |oclc=OCLC {{#if:1||OCLC }} |ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[149] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[150] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[151] |Error: Bad OL specified! }} }} }}{{#if:1||OL{{{1}}}}} |osti=OSTI {{#if:1||OSTI }} |pmc=PMC {{#if:1||PMC }} |pmid=PMID {{#if:1||PMID }} |rfc=RFC {{#if:|[152]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
| main = | other | #default = }}}}
{{#if:1||ISSN }} |jfm=JFM {{#if:1||JFM }} |jstor=JSTOR {{#if:1||JSTOR }} |lccn=LCCN {{#if:1||LCCN }} |mr=MR {{#if:1||MR }} |oclc=OCLC {{#if:1||OCLC }} |ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[153] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[154] |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith |OL[155] |Error: Bad OL specified! }} }} }}{{#if:1||OL{{{1}}}}} |osti=OSTI {{#if:1||OSTI }} |pmc=PMC {{#if:1||PMC }} |pmid=PMID {{#if:1||PMID }} |rfc=RFC {{#if:|[156]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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}} }}{{
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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}} }}{{
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| main = | other | #default = }}}}
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}} }}{{
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}} }}{{
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{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
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{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
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{{#if:1||ISBN }} |issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none| | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch: {{#if: | {{{demospace}}} | {{#ifeq:| | main | other }} }}
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{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
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{{#if:1||RFC }} |ssrn=SSRN {{#if:1||SSRN }} |zbl=Zbl {{#if:1||Zbl }}
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|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|I|i}}načica }} | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|.|I|i}}načica{{#if: |{{#if:| {{#if: |izvorne stranice |izvorne stranice
}} }}{{#if:| arhivirana {{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
#if:{{#if:||A}}{{#if:}}{{#if:%7C%7CC}} |. Pogreška: If you specify|{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}=
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#if: {{
#if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05
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specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{
#if: 2011-01-08
| {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }}|,|, p| P}}ristupljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|2011-01-08 }} | none }}
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: 2011-01-08+0 }}
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|{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|2011-01-08 }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:2011-01-08
{{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|2011-01-08 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: 2011-01-08>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|2011-01-08 2004}}
{{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|2011-01-08 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|2011-01-08 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd = F j
| mdy | iso | ymd = F j
| ldmy | l = j F
| #default = j F
}}|2011-01-08 2000 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd
| ldmy | l = F
| #default = F
}}|2011-01-08 2000 }}
{{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 2011-01-08}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 2011-01-08}}|*D*| }}}}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy = F j, Y
| mdy = F j, Y
| liso = Y-m-d
| iso = Y-m-d
| lymd = Y F j
| ymd = Y F j
| ldmy | l = j. F Y.
| #default = j. F Y.
}}|2011-01-08 }}
{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
| lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y
| #default = F Y
}}|2011-01-08 }}
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – }}
| ({{safesubst:#switch:none |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} |{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }} | |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000 | |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | | none | }} }} }} |{{safesubst:#switch: dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }} |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }} |{{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}} |= {{safesubst:#if: |{{safesubst:#switch:dmy |link|lnone|l=[[]] | }} }} | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}} |20082004 | {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd = F j | mdy | iso | ymd = F j | ldmy | l = j F | #default = j F }}| 2000 }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F | #default = F }}| 2000 }} }} | {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy = F j, Y | mdy = F j, Y | liso = Y-m-d | iso = Y-m-d | lymd = Y F j | ymd = Y F j | ldmy | l = j. F Y. | #default = j. F Y. }}| }} |{{safesubst:#time: {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l = F Y | #default = F Y }}| }} }} }}
}}) }}{{#if:
|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} ""
#if: {{
#if:RANKING REPORT FROM 09/19/05 THROUGH 09/25/05
|Pogreška: no |title=
specified{{#if:Cite web| pri korištenju {{Cite web{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
#if: |&rft.aulast={{
#if: |&rft.aufirst=
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
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#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
#if: |&{{
#if: |%2C%26%2332%3B
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{{#if: |}}{{#ifeq: {{#if:2011-01-08|a|b}} | {{#if:|a|c}} | }}{{#ifeq: {{#if:|f|g}} | {{#if:|f|h}} | }}</ref>
Kritike epizode bile su pozitivne. Jeff Jensen iz časopisa Entertainment Weekly bio je frustriran što epizoda nije otkrila događaje na splavi te što je u njoj natrpana hrpa novih misterija, ali mu se svidio sam scenarij i simbolizam.<ref>Jensen, Jeff, (September 21, 2005) ""Lost": Down the Hatch", Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved on January 8, 2011.</ref> Keith McDuffee iz TV Squad napisao je da se "nalazio u napetosti" kroz čitavu epizodu.<ref>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref> Chris Carabott iz IGN-a dao je ocjenu epizodi 9.3/10 najviše hvaleći radnju koja se odvija prije otoka: "Sjajno montirana, totalno u skladu s događajima na otoku", a posebno je pohvalio i glumu Julie Bowen kao Sarah.<ref>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref> Maureen Ryan iz Chicago Tribunea napisala je da epizoda "ima odličan ritam i fantastičan povratak formi".<ref>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref> Ryan Mcgee iz Zap2it smatrao je da su uvod s oknom i Desmondova i Jackova scena na stadionu vrhunci premijere sezone.<ref>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref>
Glavni kamerman Michael Bonvillain nominiran je za prestižnu televizijsku nagradu Emmy u kategoriji najbolje kamere upravo za ovu epizodu.<ref>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref> Portal IGN postavio je epizodu Man of Science, Man of Faith na 18. mjesto najboljih epizoda serije Izgubljeni,<ref>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref> dok su novine Los Angeles Times istu epizodu postavile na 11. mjesto najboljih epizoda cjelokupne serije uz dodatak da se radilo o najboljem Jackovom flashbacku i o epizodi koja je demonstrirala "koliko je serija postala samouvjerena te da se u to vrijeme nalazila na svom vrhuncu."<ref>Predložak:Citiranje weba</ref>