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Mollicutes: razlika između inačica

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
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Redak 6: Redak 6:
| regnum = [[Bakterije]]
| regnum = [[Bakterije]]
| phylum = [[Firmicutes]]<ref name="TOBA">Garrity, et al. [ ''The Taxonomic Outline of Bacteria and Archaea''] (TOBA Release 7.7); march 2007. []</ref><ref name="bergeys">[ Taxonomic Outline of the Prokaryotes. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.] Garrity, Bell & Lilburn; Second Edition, Release 5.0 (2004); p. 140-204. DOI:10.1007/bergeysoutline200405.</ref>
| phylum = [[Firmicutes]]<ref name="TOBA">Garrity, et al. [ ''The Taxonomic Outline of Bacteria and Archaea''] (TOBA Release 7.7); march 2007. []</ref><ref name="bergeys">[ Taxonomic Outline of the Prokaryotes. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.] Garrity, Bell & Lilburn; Second Edition, Release 5.0 (2004); p. 140-204. DOI:10.1007/bergeysoutline200405.</ref>
[[Tenericutes]]<ref name=taxbrowser>{{Citiraj web|url=|title=Tenericutes|accessdate='''2008'''-09-11|work= Taxonomy Browser|publisher=NCBI|date=}}</ref><ref>[ ''Validation of the Publication of New Names and New Combinations ...''] Int. J. of Syst. Bact.; July 1984, p. 355-357</ref><ref name = "ludwig2005">Ludwig, W. and Schleifer, K.H. [ ''Molecular phylogeny of bacteria based on comparative sequence analysis of conserved genes''] Microbial phylogeny and evolution, 2005, p. 70-98.</ref>
[[Tenericutes]]<ref name=taxbrowser>{{Citiranje weba|url=|title=Tenericutes|accessdate='''2008'''-09-11|work= Taxonomy Browser|publisher=NCBI|date=}}</ref><ref>[ ''Validation of the Publication of New Names and New Combinations ...''] Int. J. of Syst. Bact.; July 1984, p. 355-357</ref><ref name = "ludwig2005">Ludwig, W. and Schleifer, K.H. [ ''Molecular phylogeny of bacteria based on comparative sequence analysis of conserved genes''] Microbial phylogeny and evolution, 2005, p. 70-98.</ref>
| classis = '''Mollicutes''' <br> <sub><small>Edward i Freundt '''1967'''</small></sub><ref>{{cite journal|author=Edward DG, Freundt EA|title=The classification and nomenclature of organisms of the pleuropneumonia group|journal=J. Gen. Microbiol.|volume=14|issue=1|pages=197–207|year=1956|month = February|pmid=13306904|doi=|url=}}pdf []</ref>
| classis = '''Mollicutes''' <br> <sub><small>Edward i Freundt '''1967'''</small></sub><ref>{{cite journal|author=Edward DG, Freundt EA|title=The classification and nomenclature of organisms of the pleuropneumonia group|journal=J. Gen. Microbiol.|volume=14|issue=1|pages=197–207|year=1956|month = February|pmid=13306904|doi=|url=}}pdf []</ref>
| razdioba_stupanj = Redovi
| razdioba_stupanj = Redovi

Posljednja izmjena od 1. prosinac 2021. u 09:30

Mycoplasma haemofelis
Mycoplasma haemofelis
Carstvo: Bakterije
Koljeno: Firmicutes[1][2]


Razred: Mollicutes
Edward i Freundt 1967[6]


Mollicutes (latinski: mollis = "mekano" i cutis = "koža") su razred bakterija koje nemaju staničnu stijenku. Ove bakterije parazitiraju na različitim životinjama i biljkama

Pojedine bakterije su vrlo male, tipično samo 0,2-0,3 μm i imaju vrlo male genome. Imaju različite oblike, no većina ih ima sterole koji čine staničnu membranu čvršćom.

Mnoge se vrste mogu gibati klizanjem, ali vrste iz roda Spiroplasma su helikalni i gibaju se savijanjem. Najpoznatiji rod iz ovog razreda je Mycoplasma.

Mnoge vrste iz ovog razreda uzrokuju bolwsti kod ljudi, uslijed prianjanja na stanice respiratornog i urogenitalnog trakta, posebno vrste iz roda Mycoplasma i Ureaplasma.

Fitoplazma i Spiroplazma su biljni patogeni.

Dok je nekad "mycoplasma" bio kolokvijalni naziv za bilo koju vrstu iz ovog razreda, danas se taj naziv odnosi isključivo na vrste iz roda Mycoplasma.

Izvori i referencije

  1. Garrity, et al. The Taxonomic Outline of Bacteria and Archaea (TOBA Release 7.7); march 2007. [1]
  2. Taxonomic Outline of the Prokaryotes. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Garrity, Bell & Lilburn; Second Edition, Release 5.0 (2004); p. 140-204. DOI:10.1007/bergeysoutline200405.
  3. "Tenericutes". Taxonomy Browser. NCBI. Pristupljeno 2008-09-11 
  4. Validation of the Publication of New Names and New Combinations ... Int. J. of Syst. Bact.; July 1984, p. 355-357
  5. Ludwig, W. and Schleifer, K.H. Molecular phylogeny of bacteria based on comparative sequence analysis of conserved genes Microbial phylogeny and evolution, 2005, p. 70-98.
  6. Edward DG, Freundt EA (veljača 1956). "The classification and nomenclature of organisms of the pleuropneumonia group". J. Gen. Microbiol. 14 (1): 197–207. PMID 13306904 pdf [2]

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